Time at the hotel

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Tokoyami's POV :

Me : Moshi Moshi.

Gakushuu : WHERE ARE YOU ?! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU ALL DAY ! Yelled Gakushuu and he didn't hzve the mind to bother hiding the wirry in his voice.

Me : I got kidnapped. Now I'm with a group from the E Class and I'll back to the hotel with them.

Gakushuu : You what ?!

Me : So you'll waut for me at the hotel ?

Gakushuu : Of course and you better hurry up !

Then he hang up and we all left but on the way back, Karma was akways trying to stab Koro-sensei.
When we got to the hotek, Gakushuu bowed to Karasuma and to the group for bringing me back safely before the both of us left to the luxurious hotel that we got, hopefully for me, I was in the same room as Gakushuu so he immediately understood why I didn't want to go to the bath.
Before sleeping, I took my pills or else I'll suffering all night from my injuries and I got texts from Kaede-chan, it looked like they were talking about boys.

(A)Chichinashi : Yada-san said that Karma was the one who wins easily if we tamked only about looks.

Me : Tell the girls that I agree with Yada-san, Chichinashi.

Chichinashi : As you wish. And I told you to stop calling me that !

Me : And did I ever listen to you ?

I turned my phone off and inspected it.

'Looks like he has nothing.'

Then I got back to sleep but I didn't expect to be summoned at the principal's office bedore going back to school.

3rd person's POV :

While Tokoyami was sleeping in the luxurious hotel, the boys were busy doing a list of the girls they like. Karma decided to enter now.

"Looks like fun here."

"Oh Karma, great timing !" Exclaimed Isogai. "Which girls in our class do you like ?"

Karma took the paper and saw to his surprise that Tokoyami was first with Kanzaki-san.

"Why is Tokoyami-kun on the list ?" Karma asked with the calmest voice he could have.

They all looked at each other in the room before looking at Karma with a sheepish smile.

"Well Tokoyami-kun is rather cute so why not ? After all, he is gay." Explained Maehara.

There was a silence for a moment until Karma broke it.

"I have to admit that you're right..."

"So for the person you like ?" Asked one of them.

Karma looked at the paper. "Hmm... Maybe Okuda."

Most of the guys stared at him, some with a look of disbelief on their face. "Why Okuda-san ?"

Then Karma gave his reasoning about the potions and Maehara exclaimed. "There is no way that I'll let you two be together !"

But then the red haired sadist got a serious face. "But if I have to date someone it would be..." He looked again at the paper and when he saw a face he spoke without thinking. "Tokoyami."

There was another silence until. "WHHHAAAAT !?"

Karma tolted his head. "What is it ?"

"You're weird Karma, you know that ?"

"You love him or you despise him, it's really confusing..."

A d there others comments of that kind, then Isogai took the paper.

"Well, we agree that no one have to know about this list, especially to the girls." Said the ikemen.

Everyone agreed with him and they all turned their head whzb they noticed a pink coloured octopjs at the door.


Then he closed the door and there was a moment of silence before the guys chased after him.

And for the girls, Rio started a conversatiob about the boys. Kurahashi put her hand up.

"Me, I have a crush on Karasuma-sensei !" Exclaimed the cheerful girl.

Rio sighed. "There isn't a girl here who doen't have on crush on him. I was talking about boys in our class."

"Really ?"

"Well, I guess that Isogai and Maehara are somewhat the better of them all but Maehare is a player so Isogai lead."

"But... If it was only about looks, Karla would surely win." Pointed Yada.

"If only his behavior...." Ttailed a girl and everyone agreed.

"What about Tokoyami-kun ?" Asked Okuda-san.

"You're right, he is cute and all but... he is gay." Reminded Rio.

"Speaking about Yami Yami..."

Everyone turned to Kaede.

"I'm speaking with him right and he agreed with you Yada-san." Dhe said as she looked at her phone.

"Really ?"

The flat-chested girl nodded in response and we could hear the blonde snicker to herself.

"I wonder how I could put them together..." She wondered out loud.

Qomeone was hoing to say something but Bitch-sensei entered. Then the girls wanted her to tell her sole of her stories but the octopus was there and in the end both the girls and the boys ended uo chasing to try ans kill him.

Meanwhile at the luxurious hotel, Tokoyami woke up because of a nightmare, waking up her friend in the process. She took her phone and saw that she got a message from her cousin.

(A) Chichinashi :  I tokd the girks and now Nakamura-san plan on getting the both of you together.

This message make her chuckle. "She can try as much and she wants." She mumbled.

"What are you doing in the middle of the night Yami ?" Asked the son of the principal.

Tokoyami put her phone back and took a pill.

"Sorry... I got a nightmare."

"Come here, after all you're always scared when you sleep alone." Mumbled Gakushu as he put Tokoyami next to him.

"Thanks Gakushu."

"It's my job as your big brother's figure...."

The young one chuckled. "Then oyasuli Onii-chan~"

"Just sleep." He grumbled.

Me : Here it is, I know that it's a little short compared to what I used to write but I really wanted to do solething for when the boys and the girls were in their room.

Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now