Hotel infiltration

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As said, we stopped by the mountain. Now all we needed to do was to climb it then enter the hotel. Ritsu infiltrated the hotel's computers and showed us a plan of it.

"Now... Let the game starts." I muttered with a smirk as I sat on the car's roof.

Tokoyami's POV:

"Not counting the ten patients and the two left behind to care for them, all capable students must sneak in from here, get the jump on the guys at the top, and steal that remedy !" Koro-sensei told us.

"It's too dangerous." Karasuma countered. "The ease with which he threatened us indicates we're up against a real pro."

"Yes. Perharps it would be wisest simply to hand me over. What do you think ?" The ball that is now the tako asked the stern man. "It's up to all of you."

"But... this is..." One of the girls said.

"It's too hard." Completed one of the boys.

"They'll plummet to their deaths before they reach the hotel." Commented Irina.

Karasuma closed his eyes to think as some of the students began to climb the mountain then he turned to Nagisa and Kayano.

"Nagisa-kun, Kayano-san... I'm sorry, but--"

"Oi, how about you look up." I interrupted him, pointing a finger up.

He looked up, surprised at the students climbing the mountain.

"Well, I mean, if the ledge is the problem, that part's a piece of cake." Explained Isogai.

"Especially comparee to our usual training." Completed Okano.

"Right ?" Asked Hayami.

The two adults looked in shock as everyone in the class beside me was doing that.

"But we haven't practiced fighting an unknown foe in an unknown hotel, so, Karasuma-sensei... It won't be easy, but could you be our commander ?" The ikemen asked the agent.

"We'll make that jerk pay for messin' with us !" Exclaimed Terasaka.

"As you can see, they're no ordinary students. You have a seventeen-member special forces unit at your command." The tako ball told Karasuma.

"Seventeen ?" Asked Irina, confused.

"Don't forget about me !" Ritsu said from Nagisa's phone.

"Now, there's not much time." Koro-sensei said.

Karasuma closed his eyes bedore taking a step forward. "Attention ! Our objective is the top floor of the hotel at the summit ! Our mission will shift from a stealth infiltration to a surprise attack ! We'll use the same hand signals and link-ups from training ! The only difference is our target ! You have three minutes to memoruze the map. We bigin at 21.50 !" He instructed.

"Right !" Everyone answered.

Everyone was now climbing the mountain apart from me who was still watching, qitting on the car's roof. Okano was the fastest one to climb.

"Don't get left behind !" She teased the others.

"Okano sure can move." Kimura commented.

"Yeah--she's got the rest of us beat in this kind of thing." Isogai agreed.

"Whereas with our teachers..."

Both of them looked down and I followed to see Karasuma struggling to climb with Irina on his back, complaining like always.

Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now