The exams and results

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"What I'm trying to convey here, gentlemen, is that if we play this game, we play for keeps. We must meet any and all opponents head-on and in all seriousness ! That is the duty of the A Class that illuminates all !"

Everyone cheered at his speech.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Ren and Seo staring at him.

'Looks like there are some who know you well. You really are a manipulator Gakushuu, and the funnier part in all this, is that they all know that but still follow you.'

Then I realized something. "Ah. Gakushuu." I called out to him in realization.

He turned to me. "What is it ?"

"This bet can't concern me since I'm already helping the E Class." I reminded him pointing at myself. "And it can't concern Kyou-chan euther since she follows me." I pointed at her, she was scratching the back of her head.

Gakushuu looked at us for a moment before his eyes widened and he face-palmed in front of us.

"I forgot about that." He mumbled loud enough for the two if us to hear.

We both sweatdropped and Kyoumou was giggling sheepishly at the situation.

Tokoyami's POV:

Even when school ended, that nobody was here anymore and that we could see the night sky. Gakushuu was still inside the classroom looking at his computer.

"You know..." I started. "This isn't because your father is staying late that you have too." I told him.

But I didn't get an answer, that made me sigh. Kyoumou was looking at me with a wondering gaze, must be because she doesn't know why we were staying too, or because she didn't know what this bet would bring up.

"Say Raven..." Finally came the voice of the boy after minutes, even hours of silence.

I looked at him and hummed. "What is it ?"

"Since the bet with the E Class doesn't concern you... how about we made one just the two of us ?" He asked as he glanced at me from the corner of his eyes.

I raised an eyebrow before standing up from the window and walking up to him. "And what would that be ?" I wondered curiously with my head tilted to the side.

"If I win, you have to follow one command from me. Don't worry, it won't be a contract like the E Class." He quickly added.

I stared at him before glancing at my sister from the corner of my eyes and looked at her crush again.

"Fine by me." I stated with my arms crossed. "And if I win..."

I bent down to whisper in his ear, I could see his eyes slightly widened before standing back straight. I looked at him with a superior aura and he looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"So... What do you say ?" I asked putting my hand forward for a handshake.

I waited one or two minutes before he sighed and shook my hand. "As you wish Your Highness." He agreed. "But only if you win." He said putting his hand away and smirking at me.

I put my hand in my pocket as I shrugged, I could see that my nonchalant attitude towards our bet irked my friend but I didn't care. I was acting like that because I didn't really care if I win or not this bet.

"And... When are we going home ?" Asked Kyou-chan from behind me.

I turned around to give a small smile. "We're leaving now Nee-chan. Plus it looks like you're getting tired."

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