A bet

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"Understood, sir. I shall see to it that your conditions are fullfilled. And... may I ask you something, sir ? Not as a student, but as your son ?"

"What's this ? Looking to lean on your father ?"

"No, no--I'm just curious." He kicked the ball high in the air. " About the E Class...  Are you hiding something ?"

Asano-san and me reacted as Gakushuu kicked hard towards his father who caught the ball with one hand.

"I just can't shake my suspicions. You've had many more dealings with the E Class this school year. And Raven is implied a lot with them as well. As hard as it is to believe... you're not involved in anything but education, right ? Nothing sketchy ?" He asked his father and I could feel that those words were also directed at me.

"There've been rumors of a suspicious person. People seeing a giant yellow octopus flying through the sky, or a black-cloaked man buying up all the snacks at the corner store, or a mysterious vouce going "Nyurufufu" behind a well-endowed woman."

I could see the Principal sweatdropping and I mentally face-palmed.

'That damn tako.... You'll be better dead...'

"I'm sure these are baseless rumors, totally without merit, but..." Gakushuu didn't finished his sentence and I stopped listening until they laughed creepily.

After this talk me and the strawberry-blonde walked to the gate where five people were waiting for us. I learned that the little band was staying at my place for the time being.

Tokoyami's POV:

"Nee, Yami Yami. How about we study at the library today ?" Proposed Kyou-chan.

"I'm fine with it." I answered her then I felt an arm being wrapped around my shoulder, I turned to see Gakushuu's friend, Ren.

"What is it senpai ?" I asked with a smile.

"I hope you don't mind us but we also planned to go the library so we're tagging along with you and Kyoumou-san." He told me pointing at the three others minions of my childhood-friend.

"No problem with me." I agreed.

We kept walking to the library and me and my sister weren't expecting a study session for six students of the E Class.

There were Okuda-san, Nagisa, Kaede-chan, Isogai-kun, Kanzaki-san and Nakamura-san.

"Well, if it isn't the E Class crew !" Exclaimed Araki and they all looked at us. "This lubrary is wasted on the likes of you. Pearls before swine, am I right ?"

I saw Kaede-chan and Nakamura-san grimacing at them so Kyou-chan and me clapped our hands together and gave them a smile in a sorry way.

"Move it, scrubs. Those are our seats. Get lost." Seo if I remember correctly told them.

"Hey ! Don't interrup our studying !" Said Kaede-chan but the cover hiding her magazine about puddinf fell.

I face-palmed. "Kaede-chan, your book..." I mumbled sweatdropping just like Nagisa.

"These seats are ours ! We reserved them !" Defended the class rep.

"Yeah ! And being able to study in air conditioning like this is simply heavenly !" Added the blonde girl.

"Have you forgotten ? The bad-grade E Class can't defy the A Class--not at this  school." Ugly face with glasses who I can't remember the name said but Okuda-san stood up to him.

Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now