Karma's fight

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Everyone was surprised seeing Karma knocking the device onthe glass with a pot plant, breaking it and making large cracks.

"Hey, buddy, hm. You're pretty average for a pro, aren't you ? Breaking glass, busting skulls ? I can do that, too. But if your opening move is to call in reinforcelents, maybe you're too scared to take on a junior-high kid alone." Karma mocked him.

Karasuma was going to stop him but Koro-sensei convinced hil to let Karma do. All this time, Kaede and Nagisa noticed that Karla was gripping the plant tightly looking at his opponent bjt also at Tokoyami that he could see lying on the ground.

"All right, hm. Let's see what you can do, hm." Grip said, putting his coat off and cracking his knuckles.

"Give this everything you've got--you're facing one high walk : an adult !" Koro-sensei told Karma.

3rd person's POV:

Karma and Grip were having a staring contest when Karma made the first move by trying to hit Grio with the plant but Grip grabbed it.

"Too soft, hm. You'll have to find a better weapon, hm." Grip said as he broke the plant.

"Don't need one." Karma replied.

Grip charged at Karma to grab him but Karma dodged ans blocked his every moves, everyone watched in awe.

'Grip strenght capable of crushing skulls... Once he gets his hands on me, it's game over. On first glance, this seems like an unwinnable game, but just switch our positions around and it's no different from the unwinnable game we always play.' Karma thought dodging once again.

"Sugoi... He's dodging or blocking every blow !" Kaede commented.

"That's your defense technique, right, Karasuma-sensei ?" Koro-sensei asked the government agent.

'Self-defense is low priority for assassins, so while I don't remember teaching it in class... he must have picked it up by watching me dodge their knives. Akabane Karma... Even in this E Class, his talent for fighting is head and shoulders above the rest. But... I can't forget about Tokoyami... This child isn't just an assassin. She is a killing machine...' Karasula thought, remembering what he saw in the room before.

'I can dodge him... but if I move in to attack, he'll grab me.' Karma thought.

Grip then stopped. "What's wrong, hm ? You'll never get past me if you don't attack, hm !" He told Karma.

"You think ? I mean, I could be doing my best to distract you while the rest of us slip past a few at a time." The red head told the pro who glared at him.

"Relax. No underhanded hijinx here. Now... it's my turn." The student cracked his knuckles before jumping side to side. "Baredhanded, line you. We'll settle this fair and squareman to man."

"I like this face of yours, young warrior, hm. With you, I've got a chance--a chance at the fair fight I can't experience in the assassination biz, hm."

Karma charged at Grip, they shared a few hits until Karma kicked Grip's knee who turned around and kneel.

'Now !' Karma thought running at him to get a purple gas at him, he dropped but the pro assassin grabbed him by the hair.

"It's over, hm."

As Grip was talking to the students, none of them noticed Tokoyami moving.

Tokoyami's POV:

I grunted as I tried to open my eyes.

'God I have a headache horrible...' I thought putting a hand on my head, I tuned around to see myself at Grip's feet with him grabbing Karma by his face and by what the others were saying and the gas device that was next to me, Grip had used it on Karma, I stared at the red head with my blurry vision.

"Oi." I called out making everyone look at me. "How long are you going to stay like this ?" I asked before putting a hand over my mouth and nose.

Grip turned around to get the gas in the face making ket go of the sadistic red haired boy.

"Wh-What have you... hm..." Grip wondered.

"What a coincidence ! We were both thinking the same thing !" Karma said with a tissu in front of his face.

Grip went to Karma with a knife after some time but Karma managed to pin him down not far from me.

"Cmon, Terasaka--make it snappy !" Karma called out to the idiot. "We'll need duct tape and qheer numbers to beat this monster !"

The others went to tie Grip while I was still in a kind of daze. Kaede-chan ran to me.

"Yami Yami ! Are you all right ?!" She asked me with worried eyes.

"If feeling line everything is spinning around me is alright then I'm perfectly fine." I answered sacartically as I shook my head, before putting kt in my hands grunting.

"Oi what are you doing ?!" Terasaka yelled. "You shouldn't go near this monster !" He screamed pointing at me.

"Eh ? What are talking about idiot ?" I asked putting a hand over my left eye with a pained face.

"You know what I am talking about you dapn mons-" He seemed to stop himself after looking at me theb I turned to Kaede-chan.

"Did-Did i do something ?" I asked, my voice shaking as my headache was getting worse.

"Don't worry about that Yami Yami. Nothing happened !" She exclailed cheerfully.

"Is that so..." I trailed off looking to the side to see Karma in front of Grip and torturing him.

"Can someone stop him, we have to move." Karasuma instructed.

I sighed before getting up and walking until I was behind him. I grabbed his head before pulling him back and kissing him, French kiss style when I pulled away s string of saliva was connecting our lips and I pushed his head forwards, putting mybhand over my mouth to wash the trail of salive.

"You're heard so stop playing and come on." I whispered in his ear before walking away.

I turned my head around to see hil with a very noticeable blush on his face. I smirked as I took a picture of him and as we were walking, I noticed that beside Karasuma, Kaede-chan and Isogai because he was assisting the teacher, everyone seemed to avoid me.

"Nee Ikemen-kun, Karasuma..." I called out to them and they glanced at me.

"What is it Tokoyami-kun ?" Isogai asked with a smile.

"I know that Kaede-chan said that nothing happened but then why Terasaka called me a monster and why iq everyone avoiding me ?" I asked glancing back behind. "I mean, I can understand that Terasaka calls me a monster, I won't deny that but is it because of what happened inside the other room ?" I asked and I hated how I sounded weak right now.

"Well... It isn't because of that that everyone is acting that way... It's just that... How to say it..." Isogai stumvked over his words but Karasuma was there.

"In others words you snapped, almost kill Terasaka and threatened Kayano." He informed me.

I stopped in my tracks as I had another headache, Kaede-chan was rubbing my back as everything came back to me. I opened my eyes wide in shock and slapped her hand away.

"Don't come near me." I ordered her. I then proceeded to walk back beside Karasuma and Isogai.

"Sorry to say it to you like that but for now we have other things to focus on." Karasula told me.

"I know..." I replied lowering my head, making my bangs fell over my eyes.

Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now