Chapter 2

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                                                                                     2 days later

Today I am free to leave the hospital since my body injuries are not that bad, besides a few scratches. But my soul injuries are exactly the opposite. I haven't slept in two days and all I do is cry. I always saw in the movies people  losing their parents and I knew that at some point I would to, but not that young. I am only sixteen which means I was still fully dependent on my parents. I have never felt such pain like this. My friends came to visit me the other day and they did not say anything in fear of saying the wrong thing. Not that I blame them, I would not know what to say either. But I don't want to talk about it anyway. I rarely ever talk about the shit that goes through my head. Someone knocked the door. 

"Come in"  

"Hello sweetheart..How are you holding up?"

"I am fine Doctor Mary... How are you?" I smiled weakly at her. She is a very kind person and always checked on me these past two days to see If I am okay. I feel kinda bad for being so rude to her two day ago but I did not really had the tendency  to be nice at the moment.

"I am great Sweety.. So as you know you are underage so you need..."

"To go to an orphanage... I know..." 

"Well fortunately for you, we got a call from a relative of yours."


"Your Aunt Genevieve Cortese" 

Genevieve is my mother's sister and lives in Texas with my Uncle Jared Padalecki and their two boys Sheppard and Tom. They are both actors of that Supernatural show that my friend Jenna is obsessed with. My friends went nuts when they found out they are my relatives.

"What about her?"

"She said that you mother had signed a paper a few years ago  in case something like that happened so she would be the one to take care of your guardianship. She also said to take you at your house and that she will send Jared to come and pick you up from there in two hours." Wants to or has to because of a stupid paper? What If I am just a burden to them and they have no choice but to take me in? I haven't even seen them since I was like seven. I never had the chance to do so again, and when I asked mom why she wouldn't talk about it. 

"Okay. Thanks Doctor Mary."

"I will go outside so you can get dressed. Your friends brought some clothes for you." Thank god I have those people I can call friends, even If I feel they don't always understand me. They still are good friends.

"Alright. Thank you." She smiled at me and walked outside. 

After I got dressed I took a taxi and went home. I wasn't ready to get back in there but where the hell am I supposed to go anyway? I took the keys out of my bag and unlocked the door. This house felt different. It no longer felt like home. Everywhere I looked I would be flooded with memories. Good and bad. And the weird thing with memories is, that sometimes the good hurt more than the bad... But I had to get my stuff ready since I would move out now. I took a suitcase from under the stairs and walked up to my room. I put there my stuff and everything I would need. I walked in my bedroom's bathroom and took my bath stuff too. As I was looking for my toothbrush in the bath handbag my razor fell on the floor. The scars  I have done to myself with  this... I used to cut all the time because I used to get bullied when I was younger  but now I am 2 years clean. The thoughts that are going through my head right now make me wanna take this and cut my skin open. I wanna cut so deep that my blood will be all over the bathroom floor. I didn't though. I just took it and hid it in my suitcase. 

Next was my parents bedroom. I walked in and the familiar smell of their colognes filled me. I wanted to cry but no tears came out. I just felt empty. I took in my hand the neck less my dad bought me that had a picture of the three of us together hugging and laughing. I smiled sadly at the memory. We were on a vacation there. I wore it and walked outside to finish packing. 

Two hours later the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see  Jared standing there with a warm smile on his lips.

"Oh my god Lydia you grew up so much! I didn't even recognize you!" He hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Yeah well the last time you saw me I was seven so it is quite logic..." I smiled. 

"Are you ready to go?" 

"Yep just let me get my suitcase.." I took my suitcase from the living room and gave a long stare to my house for the last time, and then I walked out with Jared. 

The car ride was kind of awkward as it was obvious he was afraid not to say anything wrong, and thank god he put on some good music to break the silence. I feel like they were  forced to adopt me and that they don't really want to handle a teenager. I always overthink. I overthink so much that I even overthink my overthinking. I looked out of the window as we were leaving New Jersey. I am gonna miss this place. I am going to miss my friends too. At least we said our goodbyes at the hospital. We promised we will keep in touch and that we will visit each other often. A while after my eyelids felt heavy and I drifted slowly to a dreamless sleep. 

"Hey Lydia wake up. We are home." Jared shook me slightly. I opened my eyes and saw that we were still in the car and in front of us there was a huge yard with a pool and a really big and beautiful house. If their house is so beautiful on the outside I wonder how it is on the inside. I stepped out of the car and took my stuff out. I have never been to their house before. 

I saw two little kids play with some cars and eating fruit. I suppose those are my cousins. 

"Gen we are here!" Jared yelled from the car. The door opened and Genevieve walked out. She looked at me stunned. 

"Oh my god Lydia is that you? You have grown up so much..." She came running to me and hugged me tight. She is so beautiful and hasn't changed that much. 

"That is what Jared said too.." I smiled at her. "How are you Genevieve?"

"Please call me Gen. Or Auntie Gen.." 

"Yeah I ll just stick with Gen" I laughed. 

"How are you feeling love?" Really now?

"I am fine." I answered quickly   giving her the hint that I would not talk about it.


"May I go to my room please? I am feeling a little tired." All I wanted was to be alone right now. Enough fake happiness for today. 

"Sure.. But aren't you hungry? We have amazing.."

"I already ate." This came out harsher than I meant. Great now I will feel bad for the rest of the day. 

"Okay then..." She said slightly frowning at how distant  I was. " Upstairs second room on your left. If you need anything just ask." She smiled kindly. 

"Thank you." I gave her a weak smile and went upstairs to settle in. Their house is even more awesome inside. They are so rich. As I walked in my new bedroom I though about how  curious  I am to know  why my mother had zero contract with her sister. I wish she had told me.  I texted my friends to let them know I arrived to my new home and of course Jenna started fangirling when I told her with who I am staying from now on. I locked my phone and tried to get some sleep even though I knew that no amount of sleep could cure the tiredness I feel. 


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