Chapter 19

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Allison's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to realize that I was lying on the ground in my undergarments. I sat up and saw black spots as I touched the back of my head and saw a little blood on my hand. That son of a bitch... This was the worst experience of my whole life. The pain was unbearable and even though it lasted a few minutes I felt strongly every second.

I looked to my right to see Lydia crying. She was in her undergarments too, and her back was against the wall. I crawled to her and as soon as she heard movement she turned her head to my direction. She crawled to my way.

"Allison..." She said through her sobs. "Are you alright? Theo hit you pretty bad..."

"I wish he had only hit me." I said trying to lighten up the mood but neither of us laughed. Then I saw her hands. "You are bleeding.."

"Yeah.. I had to take that tape of my mouth somehow.." She sighed as she tried to wipe her tears. But she winced in pain as the handcuffs cut her even deeper. I put her hand down and wiped her tears with my own hands. I took a deep breath and looked around the room. I noticed they had cameras. They had left one little bottle of water in a corner near the door. Wow how kind of them.

"You know.. My mother used to tell me before she died that If you have a friend... One good friend, you can get through everything. You can get through hell and back. And I know we can make it.. Maybe this wasn't half of the torture we are about to witness. But we need to stay strong. We need to have faith. We need to keep each other strong." Lydia said her voice breaking. My eyes watered and I moved closer to her as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"We will keep each other strong" I whispered and closed my eyes to stop the tears from falling.

Third Person's P.O.V.

It's been 2 days that the girls are missing. Jensen, Misha, Jared, Gen, Stiles, Scott, and many other people from the supernatural cast were at Jared's house looking at the news on TV that confirmed the kidnap. Chris Argent ( Allison's father) and the FBI were currently searching the whole country to find the girls.

Misha... He had called Allison's number a thousand times, even had gone outside to look for them with Jensen. But nothing. He couldn't imagine what his love was going through right now. And he hated the fact that he couldn't do anything about it.

Scott was no better... The girl he had a crush on since forever, the girl he had loved was now taken way. And his best friend Lydia, too. Him and Stiles blamed themselves for not looking after the girls. Stiles was trying to stay strong but everyone could see the tears he was trying to hide as he heard the news. He missed the girls so much. Especially Lydia. He never got to tell her that he is in love with her...

Jared and Gen were devastated. Actually there wasn't a word that could describe what they are going through right now. Lydia was like their daughter now. It was like losing Tom or Shep... Gen cried herself to sleep every night, and Jared sometimes didn't sleep at all. All they could do was pray to God that their daughter and her amazing sweet best friend would be found soon and safe and sound. Chris was trying to stay focused and strong on finding his only daughter but his worry and sadness were indescribable. He had lost his wife... He couldn't lose his daughter too.

Every member of the supernatural cast was upset and worried sick. Everyone who knew and loved these girls was worried sick. But Jensen was the worst of all...

Jensen didn't shed a single tear. Or so everyone else thought. Except Misha and Jared of course who know him better than that. He was never the crying type. He always had the tough and emotionless stereotype. He hadn't slept since that phone call. He was blaming him self for not being there for her. But he couldn't follow her or anything... She wanted her distance and time away from him and all he could do then was respect that. He would go into her room just to feel her presence. To relive the memories they had shared. And to regret anything he ever did to hurt the girl he loved. In every group of friends he had been throughout his life, he always was the sane, emotionally stable one. But right now he was about to lose his mind.

Justice, Tom and Shep were spending a lot of time together lately. Since Daneel abandoned her daughter for the second time, Justice needed a motherly figure, and the closest person to that after Lydia, was Genevieve. When they were still dating, Lydia would come over to his house and the three of them would play together games like hide and seek, or watch cartoons together. They were like a family. The family Jensen always dreamed of having.

But he had to ruin everything. Because that's what he did. He let down the people he loved. When his ex wife came back to his life he chose foolishly. He didn't choose to stay with the one he loved. He chose to go with the one that the world was most likely to accept. And regret was now eating his heart from the inside out.

Everyone was currently downstairs in the living room hearing the news when his phone buzzed. Misha's phone buzzed at the same time. They looked at each other and saw a text that had a video in it. It was from an unknown number. As soon as he saw Lydia's face in it, he yelled for someone to close the TV. Everyone got the hint that it was something important, and as soon as Jensen hit the play button everyone was shocked.

The video was filming a screaming Lydia with a tape over her mouth and half naked. She was trying to break free from a guy that put her down and ripped her clothes off. Allison was in an even worse state as she was screaming and and already being raped. Misha's eyes watered at the sight and he clenched his fists. The rapists's faces couldn't be seen as the camera was filming their backs only. Jensen couldn't take anymore. He stood up and threw his phone on a wall causing it to break into a million pieces. He got out without saying anything to anyone and nobody stopped him. He had to take it out somewhere, and he preferred that it wouldn't be on a person. He knew that down the street there was an abandoned car. He took a piece of wood he found on the streets and headed straight to that car.

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