Chapter 8

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Lydia's P.O.V.

After leaving Allison to her house I walked to mine. The rain stopped three minutes after I got in. Seriously now?

"Guys I'm home!"

"Hey sweetheart how was school today?" Gen hugged me. Jared walked out of the kitchen with Shep in his arms.

"It was great Gen.. How did the shooting go Jared?"

"It went great..Tomorrow we are having a day off"

"Nice" I smiled. Then I suddenly remembered that my room was quite messy. And Jensen would come over or better sneak over in less than three hours. And I needed a shower. Oh god. I tried to hide my panic as I didn't want Jared and Gen to suspect anything.

"Lyds are you alright? You seem a little panicked?" Gen asked me. Goddamn how did she know me so well?

"Oh yeah I just remembered I have a test tomorrow in Geometry.. I should probably go to study now... Goodnight" I smiled at them quickly and ran upstairs. I could tell that they bought it, thank god.

I started putting all my clothes that were outside of my wardrobe inside it and I made my bed. I also tidied my office since pencils and books were like everywhere. It took me half an hour for all of this.

After I finished tidying my room I took a shower and shaved. I thought about what might happen tonight.. I mean everyone knows what happens when two people who fancy each other are in a bedroom alone... Plus he is way older than me he definitely wants something like this. Not that I don't... I hadn't realized I was in the shower for at least an hour until Gen knocked on my door. I quickly got out and wrapped myself in a big towel and told her to come in. I sat on the bed and so did she.

"Hey.. I just wanted to say goodnight.. Isn't it a little late to be having a shower? It is like 11" She laughed.

"I know I just love sleeping with that clean feeling" I said which was true but of course that wasn't the main reason.

"Alright just dry your hair so you won't catch any cold.. Goodnight Lydia. I love you" She hugged me and it just felt so nice.. Like when my mother was hugging me. I realized how much I missed my mom. Gen looked so alike her. They were sisters after all..

"Hey Gen?"

"Yeah love"

"Why you and Mom had lost contact?" I caught her off yard with that question. I could tell she wasn't expecting it. But she knew that she had to answer me.

"It is a very long story Lyds.." She sighed.

"I am sure I have time." She looked at me unsure but then started talking.

"When we were kids your mother never got along with our father. They were always fighting for the smallest things. She always said how much she wanted to become 18 and leave this house. Our dad wasn't really open minded back then, and all he cared about was his job. He was a politician If you didn't know, so he wanted Victoria to follow the family business, but needless to say Victoria was more into arts and psychology. When she became 18, they got into a really big fight where harsh words were spoken and he even slapped her. Victoria told him she hated him and left the house to go to college where mom paid her fees since they had taken a divorce with our dad. She never visited him not once. I had left the house too by then of course. Two months later dad had a car accident and it was lethal." Her eyes started watering. I took her hand in mine. "Me and your mom got in a big fight and I blamed her for this because I was so heartbroken that I couldn't see clearly. I blamed her for not being there for him and for not answering his calls. No matter how much they fought they were still father and daughter, and Victoria acted like she didn't want that. So we just lost contact. And oh god, how much I regret this.. Our mom never truly cared for us and we were so blind by our ego that we didn't see we only had each other. Your mom tried to contact me again, many times...But I just ignored her.. I was too selfish.. I remember that one phone call.. "

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