Chapter 17

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Lydia's P.O.V.

School was alright today. Things with Shawn were not awkward at all. At first I was a little distant, but he eventually made me feel okay again. And I am glad for that.

Danny's party was tonight and I was currently in my room looking for what I will wear while talking with Allison on the phone.

Me: "Oh god I have nothing to wear" I said frustrated.

Allison: "Me neither...Wait I think I found something! What If I wear my dark red dress with my black high heels?"

Me: I think that would be great... And you should wear eyeliner too. It makes you smokin hot!

Allison: Thanks Lyds! Have you found what you are going to wear yet?

Me: Mmm... I don't know... I think I will wear a dress too... Anyway I have to go to straighten my hair and do my make up... Scott and Stiles will be coming over to pick us up so be there in 30'

Allison: Cool see ya there

Me: Bye

I went to the bathroom and started straightening my hair while listening to music. When I was done with it I looked for what I ll wear. I picked a little black dress with my black high heels and my family neck less. I put it on and went for my make up. I applied mascara and a deep red lipstick, and some concealer.

My phone buzzed 20 minutes later and I had a text from Stiles saying him, Scott and Allison were downstairs. I checked my self one last time in the mirror before I took my phone and headed downstairs.

Stiles, Scott and Allison were in the living room with Gen, Jared, Misha and Jensen... What are those two doing here? As I entered the room everyone turned around to look at me. Jensen was dumbfounded. Everyone else was too.

"Honey you are so beautiful!" Gen said as she got up and hugged me. "You look just like your mom when she was your age..." She said and her eyes watered. Jared walked up to me with a small smile.

"Isn't that dress a little short though?" He joked as he raised his eyebrow.

"Oh come on!" He laughed. He kissed my forehead and I looked at the others.

"Guys ready to go?" I asked my friends. I noticed that Stiles was staring at me and Jensen was glaring at Stiles for staring at me.

"Yeah" Stiles was about to take my hand but I noticed and run it through my hair to avoid it. He didn't seem to notice that I did it on purpose, but he pulled his hand away anyway. Misha kissed Allison before telling her to be careful. They had made it official now, but they were still hiding from Paparazzi... and Allison's father. Scott looked away and I knew that he wished he was Misha. But I don't want to see my friends down. There is a girl that has a crush on him and he kinda likes her too. He name is Ciara and she will be at the party tonight so they might get lucky.

"Have fun! And don't get drunk!" Jared said. I nodded at him and looked at Jensen one last time before I closed the door behind me. It was already nine o' clock so it was fully dark outside. The four of us started walking towards Danny's house.

"I think we should get a shortcut and walk through the cemetery" Stiles suggested.

"The cemetery? Are you nuts? It must be really creepy walking there in the dark" Allison said and I agreed with her.

"Yeah but If we go from there we will be 3 minutes away from Danny's house! What could possibly happen after all?"

"Well I don't know, maybe a ghost will come out and kill us" Scott said with obvious sarcasm in his voice.

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