Chapter 6

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I woke up by the sound of my alarm and groaned thinking I had to go to school. But I instantly smiled as I thought about last night's events. I can't believe me and Jensen are finally together. I will have to keep it a secret from Jared and Gen though.. At least for now.

I got out of bed and walked to my closet to find what I am going to wear today. I picked a grey sweater with black skinny jeans and black all stars, before putting some light make up on and brushing my blonde strawberry hair. I brushed my teeth, took my bag, and texted Allison to come by my house to walk together to school, since I had many news to tell her, and let's just say that we are never alone at the bus. We are quite popular actually, so many kids would come and sit with us.

Me: -Hey mind coming by my house ? We can walk to school today. Crazy things happened last night

Allison: - Kay, Be there in 5 secs

I walked downstairs and was surprised to see Jensen and Misha drinking coffee with dad. I had to hide my excitement seeing Jensen there.

"Good Morning everyone" I smiled at them. Jensen turned around hearing the sound of my voice and gave me one of his warm smiles that I love.

"Good Morning Lydia" They said in unison.

"Jared, Allison will be here in 5' so I will walk to school today"

"Alright, but tell her to come in, I want her to eat a piece of Gen's cake since she didn't have the chance to do so" Allison has met Jared and Gen and they instantly loved her. She comes over pretty often so they kinda see her like they see me. As a daughter. They also told me that whenever I feel ready I can call them Mom and Dad If I want. I don't know If I am ready yet, so I just call them by their names. We heard the doorbell and I went to open the door before I saw Allison standing there giving me her gorgeous smile.

"Hey Lyds"

"Hey Ally.. Come in, I want you to meet someone and try some cake Gen made.." By "someone" I meant Misha, because she didn't have the chance to meet him. We walked in and went in the kitchen. Misha looked up from his coffee, and I swear to God he almost dropped him when saw Allison. I looked at Allison and she was looking at him like she just saw an angel.

"Misha, this Allison. Allison, this is Misha." I introduced them. They still said no words. Well their mouths spoke no words, but their eyes spoke a thousand. I will totally tease her about that later. Jared cleared his throat and they came back to reality.

"Um.. Yeah.. Ni.. Nice to meet you Allison.." He smiled nervously. I could see that Jensen was trying not to laugh and honestly, I was trying my best too.

"Nice to meet you Misha" She said a lot smoother than him but I knew her better than that. She was nervous AF.

"Allison, here, take some cake with you. Gen really wants you to try it" Jared said giving her some cake in a kitchen paper so she could take it at school with her.

"Thanks Jared, I appreciate it" She smiled. Misha couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Alright I think we should get going... We don't wanna be late for school now do we?" I said when all I really wanted was to go in my room with Jensen and make out all day. I bit my lip because I knew that turned him on, and I saw lust in his eyes as he tried to look away so we wouldn't get caught. I smiled proudly and walked outside with Allison as we said our goodbyes.

"So what's up?" She asked as we walked to school.

"Me and Jensen got together!" I said excitedly while checking If we were far enough from home.

"Oh my god finally!" She screamed. She said that so loud that an old woman got out her house and told us to shut up.

"Hahaha shut up Allison you will wake up everyone" I mimicked the old lady's voice. We both burst out laughing.

"Not my problem" She said while laughing.

"So... What happened back at my house?"

"What do you mean?" Now she wants to play dumb.

"Oh come on, admit it already! You have a crush on him!"

"Lydia, I don't have a crush on Misha."

"I never said who" I grinned at her.

"Oh come on that is not fair!"

"The more you hide your feelings for him the stronger they will get" I told her with my devilish smile. "Plus, he couldn't take his eyes off of you"

"Oh god he is like... What? 34?"

"Yeah like you care about age"

"Well I don't but he might does.."

"Well that look said otherwise"

"Whatever" She said but I saw that smile she tried to hide.

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