Chapter 3

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The next day I woke up pretty late. Well I hadn't slept in almost three days so I needed this. I hadn't arranged my stuff my bedroom yet so I started from my office first. I put my books on the shelves and I put my laptop next to the little black lamp. My bed is a two sized bed with black and purple sheets. My favourite. It's amazing just like the rest of the house. I put a black t -shirt on with black skinny jeans and black vans ( I can't help being a black color lover sorry) and went downstairs.

The house smells like bacon. I am so hungry... I hadn't eaten anything since I left the hospital yesterday morning. 

"Good Morning beautiful!" Genevieve smiled at me. She took a plate from a cabinet and served me eggs with bacon.

"Good morning Gen" I smiled back. I muttered a thank you as she gave me the plate. 

"How did you sleep?"

"Really great actually, I am very rested now." 

"Good." There was an awkward silence after that. I noticed that she was thinking of what to say next. I am tired of people feeling uncomfortable around me because of my situation. I feel like I am a bitch to Jared and Gen and that is why they feel like uncomfortable around me. I am too harsh to them they don't deserve it. If it wasn't for them I would probably be on some orphanage now. Why am I such a failure? My thoughts were interrupted by Jared entering the room and saying Good morning to both me and Gen. I think this is a good chance to discuss with them what I am thinking even though it is hard. If I am living with them they need to know the way I feel.

"Hey guys... I want to tell you something.."

"What is it love?" Jared asked.

"I am sorry about being a bitch to both of you yesterday. I am dealing with a very difficult time of my life right now and sometimes I seem to forget that it is none of my people's around me fault. You need to know that I am not the kind of person to talk about my feelings openly especially If I don't know someone very well so please don't get offended If I don't, it has nothing to do with you. You are both so kind to me, and thank you for adopting me because without you I would probably be in an orphanage." 

"Lydia you are not being a bitch. We totally understand that you are going through something really hard and please know that we are by your side. We are family even If we haven't seen each other in years. If you don't want to talk about it we will respect it but just know that we are here whenever you need us okay? We are family now." Jared said and Gen agreed. I hugged them both tightly. 

"Thank you" I whispered. 

"No problem love. Alright I have to go on set today. We are filming the first episode of season 10 on Supernatural. Lydia do you watch Supernatural?" Jared asked.

"No I don't but one of my friends back in New Jersey is a huge fan so I know some things.."

"Well you should start watching it, it is a great show" Genevieve said." Especially the season I am in" She smiled proudly.

"Oh please you are the bitch in that season" Jared laughed.

"No spoilers" I laughed covering my ears. We talked a little bit more about that show and we joked around. Gen and Jared are so cool. 

"Where is Shep and Tom by the way?" I asked.

"They are at school" Oh it's a school day today? 

"I already signed you in the nearest high school here. It is very big and one of the best In Texas. You are starting tomorrow."  Genevieve said. "Do you want to go do some shopping for school?" 

"I would love to." I said. 

We returned home two hours later and we bought so many things that I told Genevieve not to buy because I didn't want her to spend money on me. But of course she insisted and would not take no for an answer so we ended up carrying 16 shopping bags.

"When me and Jared first met and started dating, I had asked him to come on a shopping spree with me, and I made him carry half of the bags... Honestly I was 100% sure he would never come shopping with me again but he didn't even complain.. That is when I knew I should marry him" Gen  said and we both laughed heading towards the door. Nobody was home yet so we decided to cook together and have a nail polish spa. I had so much fun. She told me how she met Jared and how in love she was with him from the first moment she saw him but she had to play hard to get to see If he was worth it. 

"Have you ever fallen in love sweety?" She suddenly asked me. 

"No I don't think I have yet Gen. I mean I have been in relationships before, but they never really touched me that deep." 

"When you truly fall for someone, you will feel it. It is the most amazing, beautiful, mind fucking, and painful thing you will ever feel"

"Wow..." I laughed. We continued chatting about random things until we heard the doorbell. 

"It must be Jared, Misha  and Jensen with the kids" The door opened and I saw Jared walking in with Shep and Tom behind them two really good looking dudes. The one had blue like the ocean eyes and dark hair and the other...Oh damn the other... 

"Jensen! Misha! It is so good to see you!" Gen said while picking up Tom. So his name is Jensen and I suppose the blue eyed guy is Misha.

"It is good to see you too Gen" They smiled.  Jensen suddenly looked at me and I felt like the whole world froze. It was just me and him looking at each other's eyes. My heart was beating so hard, I could hear it. 

"Guys this is Lydia" Jared introduced me.

"Nice to meet you Lydia.. We have  heard some things about you" Misha said smiling. Jensen kept starring at me saying no word. 

"Good things, I hope." I smiled back. I then looked at Jensen and he smiled at me. Have you ever met someone that their smile could make flowers grow? Well, I just did.  

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