Chapter 31

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8 months later:

It has been 8 months since I found out I was pregnant. It's a baby girl. It hasn't been really easy for my body. But there people encouraging me. Mom, Dad, my friends, and even Jensen's fans. I am still distant from Dad, but at least I can be in the same room as him and not getting pissed. He tried everything to get my trust back, and to be honest he kinda had. I knew he had truly regretted.  But I wouldn't show him of course. Yet.  We did talk though, and he said that he would support me just like Mom. 

My morning sickness had gotten worse though. And it didn't happen just in the morning. We are going to visit the doctor tomorrow cause I feel like this isn't normal anymore. I mean my body should have adjusted to the fact that I am carrying a baby.  I could throw up any time literally, so everywhere I went I would bring a plastic bag with me. But I mostly stayed home playing the music, and singing. I had actually found a program online, studying what I would study at university there. And I would read many books too, to kill time while Jensen was gone, or I would spend time with Justice, who was fully like my daughter now. 

I was currently at  mine  and Jensen's bedroom with mom, getting ready for dinner at the Padalecki house. She wanted to come over to get ready together, cause we both had missed that, and we also wanted to catch up with each other's lives. Everyone would be there, and most of the supernatural cast too. Jensen was already there for some reason, so Mom would drive us there.  I looked my self in the mirror.  I was pale, and  had dark circles under my eyes. I covered my face with make up, and looked way healthier after that. I applied mascara and my red lipstick before putting my earrings on. 

"So what this dinner is about again?" I asked mom as she made my hair a side braid. 

"Oh, just to celebrate Samantha's return on supernatural. You know, they are filming the 12 season now" 

"Oh alright." After she finished my hair she looked at me from the mirror and laid her chin on my shoulder.

"Baby you are so beautiful. You are going to be the prettiest mother" She said and I smiled. 

"Thanks mom." She smiled back and applied some lip gloss on her lips. 

"Hey mom?"

"Yeah honey"

"I am kind of scared for tomorrow... We are going to the doctor to check on the baby and my morning sickness which has gotten worse... What If something is wrong with my baby?" 

"Hey..Everything will be just fine. It's probably nothing, you are not the first woman to experience this." She said trying to calm me down, but we both knew this wasn't normal. I let it go though. I didn't want to ruin her night. "Alright.. It's time to go. Ready?" Mom asked while helping me up. My belly was really big now. I caressed it and felt the baby kicking. I smiled.

"Yeah let's go" I said and we walked downstairs and then outside before I locked the house. 

When me and Mom arrived, I saw from the window that the lights were out. 

"Mom I don't think anyone is here yet" 

"It's okay, I have more time to get some things ready then." She said fast like trying to cover a lie. What's the matter with her?

 "Um.. Okay.." I laughed and we walked to the front door. Gen took her keys out put them on the lock, and opened it. The lights suddenly went on and everyone was standing there. Some of them were filming.  Jensen was standing in the middle. Mom went to stand between Dad and Allison, who stared at me with excitement. What is going on? Jensen came and stood in front of me. 

"From the moment I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. But I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. I just knew that I had to make you mine. Even thought we have a big enough age difference that didn't stop me from loving you. I put my logic to the side, and it's then that I realized age is just a number. When the person you love, loves you back, has the strength to forgive you even when you fuck up so many times, is there for you at the good and the bad, and makes you feel again, nothing else matters. When that person is not only a lover, but a best friend too. You are the most beautiful, caring and strong  person I have ever met. We have been through hell and back together, and I love you." He got in one knee and took a little white box out. I gasped. "Lydia Jennifer Martin... Will you marry me?" My eyes watered. I nodded quickly and he put the ring on my finger before kissing me passionately while everyone clapped and cheered. Those were the most beautiful words anyone has ever said to me, and I am sure that happiness was obvious in my face. Jensen let me go, and then next one to hug me was my best friend. She jumped up and down while squealing in happiness and I would jump with her If I wasn't eight months pregnant. After everyone hugged me and Jensen and congratulated us, we went to sit on the table for dinner. We opened campaigns  too, and we cheered all night. 

Hey everyone! Sorry for the short and probably boring updates, I don't really have time now cause I still have fucking finals 

Thank you for reading my story.. It has a few more chapters to end :) 

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