Chapter 9

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Lydia's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of Gen's voice yelling from downstairs that I had to wake up. I know I have to get up and go to school, but being in Jensen's arms feels too good. Wait a minute.... Oh god he fell asleep with me! Jared and Gen will see him... SHIT.

I shook him as gentler as I could.

"Jensen...Baby wake up..." He slowly opened his eyes and gave me his sweetest smile, until his expression suddenly turned to panic. 

"Lydia honey are you up yet?" Gen yelled through  Sheppard's cries. 

"I am up!" I yelled louder as I was helping Jensen find his clothes. They were thrown everywhere. His shirt was found under my desk for example.  After a few seconds he was fully decent except he wasn't wearing his shoes.

"Where are your shoes?" I asked a little panicked.

"They are here but I cant find my socks!" He asked even more panicked. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Just leave them, that is not the problem" I said turning serious. I looked at the window and he followed my gaze. He turned his head at me with a hilarious expression. 

"There is no way in hell I am getting out this way!" He said.

"Well there are two options.. You either hide in my closet for two hours and wait Gen to leave, or you just climb a little your way down...You choose...It is not that high after all!" I heard footsteps from outside.

"Oh god... Hide...NOW!" I whispered yelled at him and and literally pushed him into my closet. 

"Lydia what's taking you so long? You will be late" Gen said waiting outside. I was about to answer until I realized I was still in my underwear. Oh god really.

"Um... I just can't find anything to wear that's all" I said simply.

"But I thought I helped you pick an outfit yesterday?" Fuck this shit.

"I changed my mind I guess..." I heard a baby's cry and I knew that my life saver was Shepp. 

"I am going downstairs to feed the kids... Don't take too long the bus will be here in 5 minutes" She said and left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and looked at my closet.

"You can come out now"  Jensen came out and looked at me from up and down with a seductive look on his face.

"You should put something on because If you don't I don't think that neither of us will be leaving this room soon" He said and I knew he was turned on. I don't blame him though,  I am too with the look he is giving me. I picked a casual outfit from my closet and I quickly put it on while applying some make up on. I took my bag on my shoulder and thought about how I would help him  get out. Suddenly an idea came to my head. But it was way too risky...

"I know how we are getting you out"


"The only way to get out completely safely -except the door- is by Jared's and Gen's room. It is way easier to climb than from my window. But it's a little risky..."

"Well I will take that  risk I guess.. But you need to check If there is anyone there" I nodded. 

"I am going."  I walked into Jared's and Gen's room and was happy to see that no one was in there. I quickly ran back to my room, grabbed Jensen's hand and led him there. I explained him how to climb to the bottom and not break anything. He said he could handle it from there and that I should ran so I won't miss the bus. I kissed him goodbye and ran downstairs.

"There you are... Finally" Gen smiled at me. 

"I have to go! Love you" I said and walked outside.

"Love you too" 

The bus arrived as soon as I walked outside. I got in and sat next to Allison. I gave her the -I have so many things to tell you- look and she gave me the same. 

"You first" I said.

"No you" 

"Let's just say it together"  She nodded.

"I slept with Jensen" I said and she said the same sentence with a different name. Misha...!?

"YOU DIDN'T" I said smiling like an idiot. She looked at me and smiled back. "Holly crap you did..."

"How come?" I asked still shocked. She explained me everything that happened and I was so relived that Misha got there on time. I told her last night's and today's events too and we laughed when I told her how difficult it was to get Jensen out without no one suspecting anything. 

"You should text him to see If he is okay" She suggested. I agreed. I took my phone out and texted him. A while later he texted back saying he was okay and wishing me a good day. I smiled and hid my phone back in my pocket before the bus arrived letting us all walk out and in to school.

There, was Scott and Stiles waiting for us while studying chemistry. 

"Someone didn't do their homework!" Allison sang. They both looked at her with their bitch faces but then laughed.

"Yeah we were pretty bored to get it done yesterday so...." Stiles started.

"Actually I told you we should get it done last week like Mr. Harris suggested so, because it is a little impossible to get it done 15 minutes before class" Scott said.

"Well whenever someone tells me I cant get homework done the night before it's due, or 15 minutes before I take it as a personal challenge." Stiles said and we all laughed. 

15 minutes later the bell rang and I had first period English. Allison had Biology so we would meet later. I decided to go to the toilet first and wash my hands. As I was walking out of the toilet suddenly, someone grabbed me and slammed me against the wall. I looked up and saw it was.... Jackson?

"Hey babe" He said as he let go of me. What the fuck?

"I am not your babe! And why the hell did you slam me against that wall?"

"So I would make things hotter... Not that they aren't already" He winked at me. What an asshole. 

"Well I think you are delusional. There is nothing going on here" I said coldly and pushed him out of the way to go to English class.

"Well, there will be... One day"

"No there will not. I have a boyfriend" I said.

"Well and I have a math test this Friday"

"So what?" I asked confused.

"Sorry... I thought we were listing things we could both cheat on"  He said proud of his pickup line. What a douche. I rolled my eyes.

"Leave me alone you dumb ass" 

 "One day you will be mine! Remember that Lyds" He said. 

"Don't call me that you asshole" I said and stormed out of the hallway. I walked in class and thankfully I wasn't too late. I sat down and opened my books. If he thinks that because almost every girl here is desperately trying to get his attention, that I will too, his dumbness has reached another level. I would never pick him over Jensen. 

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