Chapter 26

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Lydia's P.O.V.

Four days later:

I woke up to find out I was alone in Jensen's bed. Mom and Dad let me stay with Jensen for a whole week, since I graduated with perfect grades and I was 18 now. I stretched my arms and put my underwear on with one of Jensen's shirts. It was a black one with a red demon trap on it. My favorite. I checked the time and it was 11:40.

I walked into the kitchen to make something to eat as I was unusually hungry. Well I didn't really eat anything last night so I guess it's normal. I saw a note on the table. It was from Jensen and he said that he had some shooting to do but he would be here by the time I woke up.

"Well you're late" I smiled and left the note where I found it. I opened the fridge and I felt the need to drink milk even though I didn't really like it. Strange.I took it anyway and grabbed some cereal too from a cupboard. I served myself some, poured the milk and started eating.

My phone buzzed and I saw that I had a text from Allison.

Allison: Heyy! Call me whenever you can

Me: Kay. Call you in 10'

And continued eating my meal until I suddenly felt nauseous. My head felt heavier and I felt like I would throw up so I dropped my spoon and ran to the bathroom. I just made it to the toilet when I threw up my guts. I probably had the flew or something. Until it hit me. The first night of my staying that Jensen and I had sex we forgot to use a condom. I felt my heart beating fast and cold sweat wetting my face. I couldn't be pregnant... Before freaking out completely I decided to count my period circle. It took me a few seconds to count the days since my last period. My eyes eyes widened. Four days late. Shit. My thoughts were interrupted by my stomach turning and me throwing up again. I felt like my head would explode. I heard footsteps from outside the bathroom and I turned around to look at a concerned Jensen.

"What..What happened...?" He asked me while walking over to me. I put the toilet cap down to cover the mess and flushed the toilet.

"You don't need to see this.." I looked down as I felt my eyes watering. He keeled down on my level took my hand in his, and looked at me.

"What's wrong baby?" I looked at him my eyes blurry from tears.

"Jensen...I...I think I am pregnant." I said in a whisper. He was shocked for a moment.

"Say again..?"

"We forgot to use a condom the first night... Today I was unusually hungry, and I needed milk. You know I hate milk. And I counted the days... And I am late, Jensen. I am four days late..." I said as I took a deep breath and held my tears back. I knew that at this point crying was completely useless. It wouldn't get me anywhere. He was about to say something but my phone rang. It was Allison. I immediately picked it up.


"Hey Lyds.. You said you were gonna call me in 10' but it's been 30 minutes and I got worried... Because I know how responsible and on time you always are so.."

"Well you are right to worry.." I said.

"What do you mean? Are you hurt?" I took a deep breath.

"Allison... I... I think I am pregnant.." Silence. I waited a few minutes until she talked.

"What? Are you sure..?"

"No... I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet.."

"I will come over at Jensen's and bring you one. Misha is coming too." She said and she hung up. I looked at Jensen and informed him that Misha and Allison will be here in a few minutes. He just nodded.

"You know that If you are pregnant I won't leave you alone in this." He said seriously looking at me. I took his hand.

"I know baby... But I am only 18... I wasn't planning getting pregnant that soon... How will Jared and Gen react?"

"We will make them understand.. We will find a way." He said and took me in his arms. I put my face in his chest and breathed his scent. He smelled great as always. The bell suddenly rang and we walked to the living room.

"I ll get it." Jensen said and went to open the door. It was Allison and Misha. She was holding my favorite chocolate and a pregnancy test.

"I came armed" She said taking her glasses off like a superstar, trying to lighten up the mood as always. But none of us laughed. I quickly greeted Misha and dragged her by the hand to the bathroom closing the door behind me.

"Alright" She said. "Firstly calm down because I know you are acting cool, but you are burning inside." She read me so well.

"How can I be calm Allison? I am 18, and possibly pregnant! I am too young for this..." I said and started crying. I fell down on my knees and Allison held me as I cried.

"Do the test first, and you can worry later... Maybe you are not" She said trying to calm me down even though we both knew that I most likely was. I nodded and wiped my tears. I took the test from her hands, and did it. We were so comfortable with each other that I didn't mind her being there.

We waited for a few minutes until it finally made a sound. I looked at Allison first, took a deep breath and lifted it up...

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