Chapter 34

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Lydia's P.O.V.

Three weeks later:

It was morning and I was in the living room with Allison watching TV. She visited me every single day, and whenever she couldn't come she called. She was truly by my side just like everyone else. I couldn't be more thankful to have her as my best friend.

Expelled was on and we laughed watching Cameron Dallas being foolish, reminding us of high school.

"That kid always manages to pull it off how does he even?" Allison laughed.

"He is smart I guess.. And reckless"

"Damn sure he is" I watched my best friend as she laughed at another scene in the movie, and I thought about how much I would miss her. She tried her hardest to stay positive and cheery for me but I knew she was breaking inside. She is so strong.

The baby kicked for the fifth time today, and I smiled.

"What is it?" Allison asked.

"The baby is kicking. Do you wanna feel?" I asked her while stretching my hand to take hers.

"Yeah" She smiled while giving me her hand. I placed it right where the baby was kicking and she chuckled as she felt it.

"She is damn strong isn't she?" Allison commented.

"Yeah she is." I smiled as Allison let go of me.

"You never told me how you will name her"

"I have been thinking of naming her Persephone... What do you think?"

"It's a really beautiful name... Have you told Jensen?"

"Tell me what?" Jensen and Misha appeared from the kitchen.

"What she is planning on naming your daughter" Allison said as Misha sat next to her giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Since it's a girl, I am planning on naming her Persephone... It's not a really common name but I think it's beautiful...What do you think?" I asked looking at Jensen.

"Persephone huh? I like it." He smiled and walked up to me kissing me temple.

"Good." I smiled. Jensen walked outside to check on Justice who played with Tom and Shep. My parents were also outside drinking a beer as they watched the kids play. Allison got up to join them leaving me and Misha alone. I turned around and looked at him.

"How are you feeling Lydia?"

"I feel a little weak, but at least I can eat and walk now with no problem." I said. He smiled at me and was about to get up before I stopped him.

"Misha I need to ask you a favor."

"Sure. What is it?"

"You are the only one who can do it. I want you to pass a message to my daughter when she will be old enough to understand..." I said before taking a deep breath. "I want you to tell her that I love her. And that I may not be in her life, but I will be watching her from above. I want you to tell her how.."

"Stop." Misha cut me off with a sad look. He took my hand in his and looked at me. " You will tell your daughter yourself. Cause the doctor said there is a small chance you will survive. And I don't care how small it is. I will believe it. I want to believe it." He said and my eyes watered as I nodded. I would miss Misha too. I calmed myself down and we both got up to join the others outside.

I walked up to the table next to a lemon tree near the pool taking a mug of green tea Mom made for me. Green tea is good for my health and the doctor suggested I drink every day. The weather was great, the sun was shining.

"How are you feeling today love?" Gen asked me.

"A little better... At least I can eat now... I have some weird pains though..."

"What pains?" Dad asked me. I was about to answer when a really sharp pain shot through my belly making me fall on my knees. Jensen caught my head just before it hit the ground. My water broke.

"Guys.. My... My water broke.." I said with difficulty. Even talking hurt. Everyone's eyes widened and Jared was the first one to react.

"We need to call 166!"

"No. We don't have time. We need to drive her there, now." Allison said grabbing Misha's car keys and running to the car. I screamed in pain.


"Jared we don't have time, she is dying." Genevieve shouted while taking the panicked kids inside. Jensen picked me up bridal style while looking more focused than ever.

"Jensen..." I said weakly.

"It's going to be alright baby. It's all going to be alright. You are gonna be fine." He muttered. He got in the back seat, my head on his lap, as Misha got in the drivers seat and Allison at the passenger's.

"The other's will meet us at the hospital." Allison said. I tried not to scream as tears flood down my cheeks and I felt like I had just broke a bone. Jensen caressed my belly trying to sooth the pain a little, while looking at me with concern. Misha drove really fast passing the red lights, making me wanna throw up but at least we made it in hospital in no time. Even though it felt like an eternity. The pain got stronger, and everything was in slow motion after that. Jensen took me in his arms again running inside, yelling for help. Some doctors came with a patient stroller ( I don't know If I named it right) placing me on it, while taking me at the labor room.

Third person's P.O.V.

They placed Lydia on the bed, and they waited for her gynecologist to arrive, cause she was the one who could deliver the baby since she was the one who checked on her throughout her pregnancy. One of the nurses said something to her, and Lydia saw her lips moving but couldn't make out what she was saying. It was like the pain made her senses numb. She managed to spill some words out though:

"Jensen and Allison... In here... Ple.. please" She said before shutting her eyes in pain and screaming. It felt like she just broke 20 bones at once. The baby was really close to coming out, and she felt like this pain would never end. She opened my eyes again to see Allison and Jensen by her side. Jensen on the right, Allison on the left both holding her hands. Allison's hand was shaking. She was worried sick about her best friend and Jensen was no better. A few moments later the gynecologist arrived and Lydia started to push. She felt like she was torn apart from inside out, and she it felt like the pain would never end. She had never felt stronger psychical pain than that in her whole life.

Both Jensen and Allison tried everything to stay strong for her. Every time Lydia screamed, she felt closer to death. They could only hold her weak hands and pray to god she would make it. Lydia pushed one last time, before a baby's cry was heard, silencing everyone. Jensen left Lydia's hand to take a look, and hold his daughter for the first time. The nurses wrapped the baby in a white towel giving it to Jensen to hold it. He looked down at her and smiled.

"Hello Persephone.." Lydia had stopped screaming. She had stopped feeling. She just focused at the sight in front of her: The man she loved, holding their newborn daughter smiling. She was so beautiful. Lydia knew that after that she would die in piece.

"I... love you.." She managed to say weakly before the girl's heart stopped.

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