Chapter 6

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Brantley's POV

After I lay Snow in my bed, I get undressed then lay down beside her. I pretty much always lay on my back unless I'm cuddling with someone. Snow lays on her side and has a death drip on my forearm. Ever now and them she'll make a little whimper noise and I just want to hold her. "Snow hey" I whisper, shaking her awake. "what are you dreaming about girl" I ask then she opens her eye's and I see pure fear in them. "just a bad dream" she says calming down now that she's awake. "can I lay my head on your shoulder" she asks looking up at me. "yeah, go ahead" I say laying back so she can lay her head on me. After a few minutes I look down at her and she's back asleep with a little smile on her face. I lean down and kiss her head. That's not bad right? Just a friendly kiss on the head. I mean her guy friends, and family member's have probably done it a thousand times before. So a little innocent kiss wont hurt anything.

Snow's POV

FINALLY!!!!! The weekend is here. No more work, no more asshole costumer's, no more going 10 hours at a time without food. I've been staying with Brantley for almost a week and we're getting a lot closer. Right now I'm getting dressed in the bathroom to go to the studio. When I walk out I sit on the couch putting on my tennisshoe's and Brantley looks at me weird. "where are you going" he asks probably confused at what I'm wearing. "dance studio" I say finishing tying my shoes and grabbing my phone to see when Tye will by here to pick me up. "you dance?" he asks surprised. "yeah, I'm saving to go to dance school. That's why my dad wouldn't help with paying for my collage, he doesn't think dance is a real job" I say sitting back after reading Tye's text that he's almost here. "damn, are you good" he asks and I laugh. "why don't you come and see" I grin looking over at him. "you sure about that". "yeah, maybe I can teach you some thing's too" I tell him and he laughs. "are you sure they'll be okay with me there" he asks trying to make sure he's welcome. "Anyone's welcome to come. We're just gonna do a few things and have fun" I reassure him and he thinks on it. "I kinda wanna see how good you are so I guess I'll come" he says and about that time I here Tye honk outside. "let's go" I say jumping you from the couch and taking off out the door. I sit in the back of Tye's car cause there's more room up front and I know Brantley's gonna be cramped either way but he'll be a little less up front, plus I'm sure Tye will enjoy the attractive, muscular guy sitting next to him while he drives. Did I mention Tye is flaming gay? I mean he could pass for a woman at times. Once Brantley gets in Tye of course starts looking him up and down. "Ooo Snow, who's the hotty" he asks and I laugh at Brantley's reaction. "this is a family friend who's letting me stay with him" I say trying to hold in my laughter. "Snow, what the hell did you get me into" Brantley asks looking back at me. "just an awkward car ride, that's all"

After we get to the studio I introduce Brantley to all my friends other than Faye. She doesn't dance but all my other friends do. And I introduce him to Scott; the owner of the studio who's nice enough to let us dance here no charge. "Tye, what are we doing first" I ask walking over to Tye. "why don't we do GDFR to impress your new friend" he nudges my arm at the word friend and I roll my eye's. We start the music and get to the choreography. (the dance they did above) I can see the impressed expression on Brantley's face turn to an expression I can't read for the life of me around the end of the routine. I have no idea what that face is about but I have a feeling I don't wanna find out. I'm starting to get hot in here so I feeling like I should go outside and let myself cool down. "Hey, I'm going outside for a minute, you wanna come" I ask Brantley as I'm walking out. "Yeah" he says and I hear him walking behind me. When we get outside he light's a cigarette. "I can see why you wanna go to school for this. Your really good" he says looking over at me. "Thanks. I've been doing this for a while so I should be at least eh" I say and he laughs at me. "Snow, your way more than just eh. I can see you doing this for a living" he turns towards me and there's this look in his eye that... I don't know what it is or what it means, But it's intriguing. Before I know what's happening our lips are just a few inches away. And before I have time to pull away he puts his big hand on the back of my head and presses our lips together. My lord he's a good kisser. Our lips move together and our tongues fight for dominance until he eventually wins, me letting him roughly invade my mouth. "You go girl" I jumped and pulled away as soon as I heard Tye's voice cheering me on. "Damn it, Tye" I yell, looking over at him with my death glare. He ran for his damn life. "Snow, I'm sorry. I lost control and didn't know what I was doi-" I cut Brantley off by kissing him again. "Don't apologize" I say pulling back and looking up into his eye's. He smirks and I realize we're standing pressed up against each other and there's something poking me in the stomach. I blush and step back. "Sorry. Kind of a natural reaction" he grins looking down at me. "Brantley, I know how boner's work" I say and he laughs and says "well, never thought I'd hear that from you". "Snow, Brandy wants you to show her than move again. She can't get it quite right" Scott says waving for me to come show her. "I'm coming. I should be done in not long then we can go if you want" I tell Brantley and run back into the studio.

Brantley's POV

Snow runs back into the dance studio and into a room that I couldn't see into. What the fuck did I just do? I kissed a fucking 18 year old!!! She's a damn kid. I told myself I wouldn't do anything with her and that I wouldn't even think of her that way, And now I know the taste of her lips. It was so wrong but it felt so right. Her up against me in those little leggings that show everything, and her body fitting perfectly in the shadow of mine. I should've stopped myself but at the same time I'm glad I didn't....

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