Chapter 39

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Amber's POV

What the heck is that? I woke up to a crashing sound downstairs and I've been too scared to go down without Brant. I finally work up the courage and get the gun he got me out of my purse. "Deep breath's, just like he taught you. Stay calm" I tell myself as I walk down the stairs. I see the kitchen light on but I don't hear anything. Walking forward to the kitchen, I keep the pistol held up as I go around the corner. "Brantley?". He's sitting in the floor against the bar with no shirt on, praying. I just sit the gun on the bar and sit next to him in the floor. I turns his head to me and says "I'm sorry". "What? Baby, what are you sorry about?" I ask placing my hand on his leg and he just moves it away. "I don't love you.... There's another woman that I've been in love with for two years and I still love her, I'm sorry" he didn't have any tone to his voice. His expression was blank. "Brantley please don't tell me you cheated on me" I say with my head in my hands and he quick says "No!! That's what I've been making sure to avoid. I want to be faithful and that's why we need to split, we're not the same people we were and I just don't feel like I love you the way I used to. She's got my heart, Amber. I'm so sorry".

Brantley's POV

I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Amber just looks down at her hands and I see a tear slip down her cheek. I pull her into a hug and tell her "I'm sorry. But I don't want to cheat on you and I love her". She hugs me for just a second before pulling away and wiping her eye's. She says "It's okay. I think it's for the best that we split, with how things have been lately. Thank you for being faithful to me, Brantley. You could've easily said screw it and had sex with her then broke it off with me". I push her hair out of her face and tell her "Your the woman I loved for so long and you'll always have a place in my heart even if it isn't as my wife or girlfriend. You'll always be a friend and shopping buddy for momma". We both chuckle at that last statement and she looks at me then her left hand "Keep it. If you don't feel like giving it back, it's okay". She slides the ring I gave her a few months ago off of her finger and picks up my hand, sitting it on my palm. "No. It belongs to you I can't keep it. I'll be out by Monday, and I truly hope things with this girl work out. I just want you to be happy". Knowing that Amber wants me to be happy even if it's with another woman puts a smile on my face. We stand up and I pull her into a hug and whisper "You'll always mean something to me Amber". She hugs me tighter and tells me the same thing.

We eventually decide that Amber will stay with a friend until she gets all of her stuff out of the house and that her brother's won't beat the blood out of me for breaking off the engagement. I decided after Amber went back to bed that I need to ride.... I need to ride with my boys. I called nearly all my biker brother's and told them I needed riding therapy asap so they needed to get their asses outta bed and meet me at the club. I sneak through the house to get all my stuff and not wake up Amber in the process and when I finally have my jacket, gloves, jeans, and helmet all on I leave for the clubhouse.

"Gilbert, there better be a damn good reason you woke me up at 5 in the morning. If not I'm tempted to sock you in the teeth" Carey gripes before he even gets off his bike. "Brother your gonna be real happy about this.... The wedding with Amber is officially off" I announce and get a whole lot of hell yeahs and it's about damn times along with pats on the back and a couple smacks upside the head for not doing it sooner. "What was the fight about to make you finally come to your senses?" Beau asks after we go into the club and sit down. I chuckle and explain to him what happened. "There was no fight that made me be done with it. Snow's back in town". before I even finish talking I see bulging eye's and mouths dropped open. "Yes, I said Snow. I'm still in love with her and it took seeing her again to realize and give into that. She went through hell when she left, including rehab. I want her back in my life- actually scratch that, I need her back in my life". Carey gets up from his chair and hugs me. Not bro hug/handshake, he actually hugs me. "I'm glad you finally pulled your head out of your ass and realized you belong with that girl" he says grinning from ear to ear like a little kid and I can't help but chuckle. "Y'all I need to ride. Anyone coming with or are y'all going back to bed" I ask chuckling before all of them accept Jeff stands up. "I'm going to sleep" he grumbles out, leaning back in his chair and pulling his hat over his face. we all laugh at him and joking tell him goodnight before going back outside and all getting on our bikes. It's been a little bit since I've been on the road with my boy's so this feels amazing. And now that I'm officially single and ready to get my girl back I need to figure out how.... or just go in balls to the wall and see what happens.

Hey guys, I don't want to make this author's note too long but I've got two things to say. One is thank you guys for 7k reads, your all amazing especially because I've been having a rough few weeks and you've all been so helpful and supportive so thank you. The other thing is I want you guys to go check out the tags on this story. You'll see why ;)

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