Chapter 16

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Snow's POV

God!! Cramps suck. The only thing that I'm liking about being on my period is Brantley being really really sweet. He cuddles me and insists on carrying me everywhere, and he makes sure that there's something chocolate in the house at all times. Right now I'm laying on my back across his lap and he seems to be enjoying it from what I can tell by the smirk on his face. "What are you smirking at" I ask poking his cheek. He chuckles and looks down at me. "Your just a cutie" he says running his hand through my hair. "God, why does it feel so good when you do that" I ask, enjoying him playing with my hair. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just good like that" he grins and I just laugh at him. "whatever you say" about the time I say that his phone rings. He looks at it and says "fuck" then answers it. "hello" "I'm good, I have a feeling not for long" he says looking worried. "HE DID WHAT?!?!?!" Brantley nearly blows out my eardrums when he yells into the phone. His face is cherry red and the veins in his neck are bulging like a motherfucker. "well I've gotta deal with his ass first" he growls and I start slowly leaning away from him. "we aren't anything!!! I'll explain some other time, I've got something to take care of right now" with that he hangs up and looks down at me. "My brother just fucked himself cause I'm bout ready to shove my foot up his ass" he says through gritted teeth. "What did he do and who was that?" I ask him and he answer's almost immediatley. "That was my manager. Kolby somehow took a picture of me cuddling you the other day when I was in all my gear and put it on Facebook. Press got ahold of it and now everyone's wondering who you are and what we are" he explains what's going on and now I'm pissed. "Brantley I don't want anyone knowing who I am. People already call me a whore enough without knowing I'm fucking a guy 10 years older than me". "Baby, I'm gonna make sure no one knows who you are and who the hell calls you a whore" he asks getting all protective. I tell him "It doesn't matter, now can you call Kolby and let me chew him out" I ask and he just chuckles and moves me off his lap. "I've gotta go deal with him. I'll be back" he says and kisses me. "Can you do me a favor?" I ask shyly and he turns around and looks at me waiting for me to say what it is. "Slap his bitch ass for me" I say and he laughs. "will do" he says and walks out the door. God, why did this have to happen? People already call me a slut and a whore all the time because my job and now people are going to know about Brantley too. I just hope Kolby didn't get my face in the picture and if he did I'm gonna break his.

Brantley's POV

On my way to Kolby's I call Brad back to explain to him who Snow is. "Okay, so your telling me your having sex with an 18 year old" he asks letting what I've told him sink in. "Yes. It started when I visited her dad and I found her with a black eye so I let her stay at the house and... things happened" I explain and hear him chuckle on the other end. "Okay, I think I can get this under control. It doesn't show her face in the picture so she's good but the next time you talk to press, DENY, DENY, DENY. You hear me? Use every excuse in the book, 'we're just friends' 'it was a one time thing' 'nothing happened'" he tells me what I was already thinking as I'm pulling up to Kolby apartment. "Gotcha, I'll say whatever I need to, I'm just glad she's good" I say and hear him sigh. "Do me a favor and don't fall in love" "what?!?" I ask surprised. "You don't hold somebody like that and not feel at least a little something for them. Don't fall for that girl" he warns me and I roll my eye's. I say "Don't worry about it" and hang up. I get out and start heading up to Kolby's apartment. When I get to his door I bang on it as hard as I can and within 5 seconds I hear him yell "fuck, I'm coming". He opens the door and my first instinct kicks in before I can stop it. I punch him in the eye and of course he hunches over holding his face. "UGHH, what the fuck was that for?" he asks holding eye's and still looking at the ground. "Oh I don't know, all you did was come into my house without permission, take a picture of me and my girlfriend while we were asleep and post it on social media" I say sarcastically and he stands back up. "Man, I'm one person losing their temper away from being evicted, can you please stop yelling" he begs me and I try to hold my anger in because he may have crossed the line but he's still my brother and that means if he gets evicted then he's gonna be staying with either me or momma and I don't want either one of us to have to deal with him. "Why were you in my house and why the hell did you take a picture of us sleeping?!?!" I whisper yell at him. He puts his hands up to try to calm me down and says "If you come inside and don't wake up my neighbors I'll answer your damn questions". I push past him into his apartment and close the door. "I'm in and didn't wake up your neighbors now answer the damn questions". He backs a little farther away fro me and says "you weren't answering the phone when momma was calling to ask if you wanted to eat supper with us so she asked me to come by on my way home to see if you were fine. I told her you had probably been out riding and passed out when you got home but she made me come by and when I found you and baby Snow laying together I thought it was cute and I could show it to your friends and embarrass you like you used to do with me so I took a pic on my phone and put it on Facebook" he explains what happened and I'm still pissed. "Kolby you have to remember that 70% of my life is in the public eye, so my privacy is really important to me which means I don't want pictures of me cuddling a girl a decade younger than me on social media. Especially for her" I say and end up continuously growling after I quit talking. "I know, and I wasn't thinking about that when I did it. I promise I won't do it again". "Your better not" I growl and go to walk out the door but before I reach the door I remember something and turn back around. "One more thing" I say and slap him. "That one's from Snow" with that I open the door and leave my dumbass brother to himself.

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