Chapter 3

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Brantley's POV

the second Snow sees me she bites her lip and tries to look away. I chuckle at her and go upstairs to take a shower. I don't know how I'm gonna live with her. especially with the way she acts around me, and the flirting already. When I get to my bedroom I get undressed and go into the bathroom to turn on the shower. I start the shower and turn it all the way to cold, she's really got me that turned on. How the hell am I getting turned on by an 18 year old? well, I know how but why? "whoooo fuck" I lose my breath the second I step under the freezing water. "haven't had to do this in a while" I say to myself trying to destract from the ball shribling cold.

At least when I take a cold shower I don't waste much water cause I'm just trying to get clean and get out. It only took me about 5 minutes and I'm out. I get dressed just in something comfortable and head downstairs. When I start down the stairs I see Snow sitting cross legged on the couch with a laptop in her lap. "Whatcha doing" I ask ploping down in my chair. "Looking for apartments and better paying jobs" she says not even taking her eye's off the screen. "find anything" I ask flipping through the channel's on TV. "haven't found any apartments that I can afford and I don't qualify for any of the jobs that pay better than mine" she signs frustrated and slams her laptop closed. "why can't I adult" she ask running her hands over her face. I laugh and reply "cause your barely an adult and don't have a collage degree yet". She looks at me and gives me the 'you smartass' look right when her phone starts blaring freebird. She answers without looking at it. "hello" "I'm in hell, with all my hellmates. How bout you?" she says sarcastically and I hold my laughter the best I can. "never" she says nonchalantly. "oh okay, wait a minute now" her face starts turning red. Not embarrassment red, more like I'm about to rip somebody head off red. "I get treated like shit and you expect me to care? Your a special kinda stupid aren't you" she sits back and laughs at the persons stupidity. "no, you seem to have mistaken me for someone who will put up with your bullshit any longer. I'm done. I'm going to collage soon and I ain't coming back. You can rip the town apart trying to find me but you won't so don't call me again, bye jackass" she says raising her voice and hangs up. Damn, this girl has got some fire in her. "Jonny?" I ask and she just nods. "darlin, you look like your heads about to pop or your gonna kill someone, one. Ya wanna go do something to get your mind off that" I suggest something to calm her down. "it's late. I've got work in the morning" she sign sinking further into the couch. I just laugh and stand up. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. "it's not like we're gonna be out all night" I say grabbing her jacket and mine and slip my boots on before walking out the door. "Brantley, I've known you less than 24 hours and I'm face to face with your ass. I am not comfortable with this" Snow tries to sound mean but a few giggles escape her on that last sentence. I pull on her legs a little so her face will be at my back rather than my ass. "better" I ask opening the passenger door of the truck. "much" she says once I sit her down. I chuckle and shut the door. I walk around and get in, starting the truck. "Where the hell are we going" she asks looking annoyed with me. Hell, I can't blame her. I literally just picked her up and said 'we're going to do something'. "You'll see" I say pulling out of the driveway.

We pull up at dairy queen and when I look over at Snow she has she fingers intertwined and her hands her forehead like she praying. "What are you doing" I ask chuckling. "Thanking god for making you" (don't we all) she giggles and I roll my eye's. We get out to go in and I realize I didn't let her put on her shoes before we left. Her feet have got to be freezing. "Do you want me to carry you so you don't get damn frostbite" I ask looking at her little feet getting red from the cold. "I'm fine" she says opening the door and walking in. God, this girl is damn near a clone of her momma. Walking into a dairy queen without shoes on at midnight. I chuckle to myself at the view everyone else is getting. Me in my leather jacket with spikes on it, in black jeans and boots with this little girl. I wouldn't be surprised if someone said to her 'blink twice if your here against your will'. "What are you giggling about" Snow asks laughing at me. "How weird we look together" I say walking to the counter. She looks at herself and me and giggles realizing the same thing I did. We order and both end up just getting blizzards then Snow realizes why I didn't give her time to get ready. I wasn't going to take her somewhere to make her buy something so I picked her up and walked out the door before she could grab her purse. She looks at me with a smirk and reaches down her shirt and pulls a 10 dollar bill out of her bra. "You underestimated the preplanning skills of a forgetful woman" she says handing the cashier the money. "I have a feeling I'm never going to win with you" I chuckle slightly impressed. "then You'd have the right feeling" she says and grabs her blizzard and her change off the counter. I do the same and we go back out to the truck cause we're both getting a little tired of people staring at us. "god, I haven't done this in a while" Snow signs happily eating her blizzard. "done what" I ask curious as to what she means. "had fun, done something random. I'm always working and it fucking sucks" she tells me seeming to dread going to work. "what do you do for work? You never mentioned" I ask looking over at her. "I have two jobs. I work at a restaurant and I'm not telling you my other one. I'm usually gone most the time" she says and I frown. She's good company. "wait why won't you say what your other job is" I ask confused. What could it be to were she didn't even want to tell anyone what it was? "because people always think of me different when they find out" she says looking over at me. "darlin, with all the shit I've done I can't judge nobody for shit" I say to her and she giggles. "I'm still not telling you" she smirks and I just shake my head laughing at her.

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