Chapter 34

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Desiccated to @Mizz_Wolf the birthday girl

Brantley's POV

Once Snow settles and gets her balance she starts painting the eyebrows of the woman on the wall and I am biting the inside of my cheek as hard as I possibly can. I'm about to get married, I can't do what I'm wanting to do. I want to run my hands over that perfect round, plump ass and spank her hard and leave teeth marks on her. Goddamn it!!! I can feel my jeans growing tight and more uncomfortable by the second and the pain on the inside of my mouth isn't helping as much anymore. I start looking around the room anywhere but where Snow currently is and absentmindedly chew on my tongue to distract myself. "Ba- Brantley can you let me down" Snow says, patting my arm to put her down. I sit her back down and shove my hand in my pocket to hide the fact that the not so little guy won't settle down, in turn making my jeans even tighter than they were. Snow thankfully stays facing the wall while doing something on her phone so I can karate chop myself in the dick. I hold back a groan at the pain in my crotch when she turns back around.

Snow's POV

I get done texting Gabe and turn back around, sliding my phone back in my pocket. I look up at Brantley and for the first time since I've been back in town, I actually look at him. How much he's changed, the look in his eye. This is even the first time I've noticed that he finished his sleeve. He's gotten bigger yet less intimidating, just slightly. He doesn't smile as much as he used to and he's more tense. Is it because of me? No, it couldn't be. He probably just stopped smoking weed. "Why you staring, darlin?" Brantley interrupts my thoughts and I realize I've been starting at his lower torso and crotch area. "Oh, just uh... I hadn't notice you finished your sleeve" I make a quick excuse hoping Gabe gets here soon because just hanging out with my ex is starting to get awkward. "Um, I hate to break it to ya darlin but my sleeve isn't in my.. cock area" he says gesturing between his legs and I feel my face flush with 10,000 different shades of cherry red. "Uhh..... I- I.... um... *gulp*" I can't get any works out and I nearly lose my breath when he steps in close and lift my chin. "It's okay. I heard from a friend of mine with almost every man she sees she looks at his crotch and thinks 'there's a dick under there' so it can't be that uncommon" he whispers softly and I hate myself for the tingling sensation I feel between my legs. "Can you back up" I say, keeping my eye's shut tightly when all I want to do is pull him in and feel his lips one more time. I feel his warmth leave the space around me and his grasp disappear from my chin with a small sigh. Right as I'm about to say something I here the front door open and hear the familiar big footsteps. "Uh.. who's this?" Gabe asks confused at why there's a random dude in my workplace and I do something that makes my heart ache and say "He's just an old friend that came to see what I was up to, that's all". My eye's never leave Brantley's and I think my mind fools me and makes me think I'm seeing sadness in his glare. "Oh okay. Well bro your gonna have to go cause I gotta take my lady home" Gabe says looking over to him. Brantley almost seems to get mad and with them standing face to face both not exactly happy it's reminiscent of two bulls ready to fight to the death. "Why don't we talk outside for a sec" Brantley grumbles in a low and intimidating voice and Gabe just has to fucking bow up. He puffs out his chest and turns on his heel, headed for the door. All my worst fears are running through my head of what Brantley wanted to "talk" to him about.

Brantley's POV

I follow Snow's boyfriend outside and when we get out there I turn and tell him "listen, I didn't come out here to fight you or yell at you or anything like that. I came out here to warn you. That girl is the most amazing woman you'll ever meet. I fucked it up by not taking the chance now you already took it and I suggest you hold onto her tight cause once you let her slip she's gone forever" with just that I turn and head toward to truck before saying over my shoulder "oh, and if you break her heart, I'll break your skull". I hop into the truck and start heading home when I glance at the time and know when I get home there's gonna be hell to pay. It's 10:30pm and I'm not home yet so Amber is gonna be raising kane. Wondering why she wasn't called yet I check my phone to find out it's dead. (hello from the other side) I bet she's called a thousand time.

When I walk in the door I hear Amber already running to the door to either see if I'm okay or skin me alive for being out so long. She walks right up to me and takes off my hat, looking at my head and neck then lifts my arms and my shirt slightly, examining my whole body before she swats my chest after she's done. "Now that I know you didn't get into some horrific accident, where have you been!!!! You left at 9 and it's 10:45! it doesn't take over an hour and a half to get dang sour cream" she starts going off and I try to plead my case but I can't get a damn word in. Even though she has the right to be mad do you have any idea how angering it is to have to stand here and get yelled at, not able to say anything for myself. "A- A- AMBER!!" I have to yell at the top of my lungs to get to attention and she finally shuts up for a second. "I've got work to do" is all I say before I stomp past her and through the living room. Once I see the sleeping little girl on my couch I instantly soften my steps so I done wake Tinsley. She loves staying over here so a lot of nights she's either on the couch of in me and Amber's bed. I walk over to her and move her dark hair out of the way and kiss her forehead. "Goodnight sweetheart" I whisper before heading upstairs to my music room. I've been working on a song and can't get it out of my head currently. It's called happier and if Amber heard me singing it I know she'd be pissed so I try to save working on it for after she's asleep. But right now I just don't give a damn.

After forty minutes of trying to work on this nearly finished song, it's finished. I sing it all the way through and the second I stop Amber bursts in the room crying. "Who is that song about, Brantley". I'm take aback because I thought I had that damn door locked. "You've been so distant for the past few weeks you barely talk to me anymore. And now your playing this song about some girl being happier with another man than she was with you. Brant I love you but goddamn I actually need you in my life not just giving me a kiss every now and then". I stand up and pull her into my arms. She cries into my chest and don't know what to do. The song is what I'm feeling and I can't change that. But did she just cuss?

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