Chapter 40

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Snow's POV

Okay, you're not going to see him for long. Just a couple minutes and you've held in a blush for longer than that before. Just pay attention to what you're supposed to be doing and everything will be okay. Maybe he doesn't even remember. It was like 4 in the morning, maybe he was half asleep and doesn't remember anything. Hell, who am I kidding, he was wide awake and listening carefully to everything my dumbass was saying. I can't believe I may have just fucked it up with the only man who's ever loved me. When Gabe finds out about last night and the pictures I sent I'm gonna lose him. I know, I don't actually love him, but I can learn to. He loves me and that's a hell of a lot to ask of someone, especially with me being me. And I betrayed him like that. I pull up at the studio and take a deep breathe before getting out of the car and walking in. I'm a little late so a few people pulled up around the same time as I did but thank god Brantley wasn't one of them.

Just focus on the dance. Just focus on the dance. I try my best to keep myself focused on anything other than the thought of Brantley sitting in the hallway and I thought I was doing a pretty good job... until I turned around to tell the kids goodbye and was met with a hard chest. I panicked and ran. I ran into the other dance room that I use for the pole dance classes and sit against the door to keep anyone from coming in. "Uncle Brantley what is Ms. Emily doing. She always stays in here until everyone leaves" I hear sweet little Tinsley somewhere on the other side of the door and I feel so bad but I just can't face Brantley right now. I feel a knock on the door and hear his voice. "We're leaving, Snow. Hope the rest of your classes go well" is all he says before I hear his heavy bootsteps fading away. "Why do you call Ms. Emily, Snow" is the last thing I hear before I suddenly burst into tears. I can't do this anymore. I pick up my phone and cancel all the classes for the rest of the day before texting Faye to get her ass over here now. Then comes the big call.... Gabe. I slowly dial his number and hit 'call'. "Hey, baby I can't really talk right now. I'm busy at work". "I'm breaking up with you" I blurt it out without thinking and immediately regret it. "What? Baby what do you mean, I thought everything was going good" He rambles and I hear him tell someone to give him a second. I just have to tell him the truth, I can't hold this in anymore. "Gabe, I don't love you. I'm sorry and I know this has gone on way to long for me not to love you but I don't and I'm sorry" I gush and let the tears fall. Breaking up with him isn't the reason I'm crying. It's everything I've held in over the past nearly two and a half years. "Fine. If you want to break up, let's break up. All I've helped you through, everything I've done for you and I'm just nothing to you. I should've known that when people warned me about you that they were right; your not worth all your damn baggage" with that there's a slam on the other end of the phone and he hangs up. I burst into tears, sobbing and whimpering like pathetic mess. And yet again there's no one to blame but myself. If I wouldn't have just ended it with him I wouldn't be crying and if I wouldn't have ended it with Brantley I may actually be happy. "Snow Emily Guffet, where the fuck are you?". I try to calm my tears when hearing Faye yelling through the studio, trying to find me. I move out of the way of the door. Now sitting at the wall crying when she burst through the door and hugs me. "I broke up with him" I sob hugging her back and she sighs and says "goddamn finally. He was never right for you Emily. Your better off without him, I'm seriously". I just cry on her shoulder, not able to speak anymore. It's not like I loved Gabe but now that he's gone.... I'm alone. I can't be alone. The thought of ending up that way has always scared the hell out me. And now I am. Who else would want me? Just like Gabe said and everyone that warned him about me; I have too much baggage. I mean with my dad, my mom, when Gabe met me my alcohol and drug problems. He was right, he was there through it all. Hell, he even moved to my hometown when It was best for me to come home and struggled to find the job he was looking for here. He did everything for me and I ended it over the phone, never even loving him at all. God I'm a horrible person. 

Hey guys, I'm sorry this is so short but just to be a bitch, I'm stopping here. It's payback for @MissyDoe2017 girl you knew it was coming ;)

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