Chapter 15

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First of all thank you guys so much for 1,000 reads!!!! Glad to know your all liking this story as much as I like writing it. I'm going to try to get more chapter's out quicker but that plan may crash and burn, who the hell knows. I just want to thank you guys because YOU. ARE. FUCKING. AWESOME.

Snow's POV

I wake up still spooning Brantley and laugh to myself. He's such a manly man yet he let me literally spoon him. I start getting out of bed to get ready for work when I hear him growl. Fuck. I mentally scold myself for waking him up. "Snow, get your little ass back here. I let you cuddle me now it's my turn" he orders me to get back in bed but all I can pay attention to is his voice. It's low and raspy, even more than usual. And if I'm being honest sexy as hell. "What you torturing that poor lip for" he asks noticing me biting the hell outta my lip to keep myself calm but every time he talks it sends a shiver down my spine. He gets up out of bed and I realize he's still naked. He walks to me and lifts my chin for my eye's to meet his and asks "What's got you all horned up". "Well more than one thing now" I mumble trying to look away from him but he holds my chin tighter so I can't. "Tell me what it is." he damn near growls at me and my knees start to get shaky. "Oh I don't know, your just stand here naked, nearly growling at me with the sexiest voice I've ever heard in my entire fucking life" I say sarcastically and he just smirks. "You like my morning voice, huh?" he asks making his voice even more raspy and deep than it was. I bite my lip and look up at the celing and he chuckles. He smacks my ass and tells me "go get ready for work". I stand on my tip toes and kiss him then grab some clothes and go to the bathroom to change. While I'm changing I hear Brantley asks me "okay I know you fell asleep naked so why'd you get out of bed in my shirt" and I giggle. "It felt weird sleeping naked so I stole your t-shirt" I tell him while trying to do something with the rats nest that's on my head. "UGH" I groan, frustrated and stop fucking with it. "What's wrong" Brantley asks peeking his head in the door. I just point to my head and he chuckles, stepping into the bathroom. He stand in front of me, fully blocking my view of the mirror and starts running his fingers through my hair. He gets out some tangles and makes me incredibly relaxed in the process. How he did that I will never know because usually getting tangles out of my hair is anything but relaxing. He keeps running his fingers through the messy curls and I can feel them gliding through my hair easier and easier. He steps out from in front of me and my hair actually looks okay. It's wild and messily perfect. "Thank you. You just saved me so much time" I say and kiss him. "Your welcome, baby" he says patting my ass as I walk out of the bathroom to get my boots. After I get my boots on I kiss him goodbye and leave for work. And after work I go home and me and Brantley have a little fun.

Brantley's POV

I'm out hanging out with my biker Buddy's and the subject of conversion just has to be my love life. "I've told y'all 100 times; this is not a new me and Amber situation. We're just fuckin" I tell them for the 101 time that me and Snow aren't anything serious and never will be. "Okay" Cody says chuckling. I roll my eye's about the time my phone vibrates. I check it and see that Snow texted me. (Text convo below)

Snow👅: Faye can you please bring some pads by the house. I didn't realize I was almost out and now I'm stuck.

Me: Baby, check who your texting

Snow👅: Oh my god!!! I'm really sorry, please ignore that and act like it didn't happen

Me: I'm on my way with chocolate ice cream and pads. If you want when i get there we can cuddle

Snow👅: 😮😮😮....

I smile at her response and get up to leave. "Y'all I gotta go. Got something to take care of" I say standing up from my chair. "Damn, the girls been here what a month and she's already got you wrapped around her finger" James says and I just chuckle. "No, she don't. There's waves in the red sea that's all" I say getting ready to leave and Billy looks at me like I'm crazy. "I always taught you to stay away from a woman while that's happening. It'll getcha in trouble" he warns me again that I shouldn't be around a woman while she's on her period. Personally I've always hated that. I know most women can be slightly unreasonable during that time but their aloud to. Their the ones that have to bleed every month so the least I can do is get her ice cream and cuddle with her. "I don't care what trouble it could get me into. I'm gonna be there for my woman" I get a little mean and get out of there before I get too worked up.

When I get to the house, I put my bike in the garage and go inside for Snow. I find her laying in my bed holding her stomach and I automatically feel bad for her. "You okay baby" I ask sitting down on the bed next to her. "It feels like Satan is ripping my ovaries out" she groans keeping her eye's closed and I can help but chuckle at her answer. "Shut up" she says hitting my chest. "I got your stuff" I say holding up the bag from the gas station. "Thank you. I told Faye what you texted me" she says turning over towards me. "Oh lord, what'd she say". She giggles and says "I believe her exact words were 'Marry him. Marry him now'". I laugh and she starts to cuddle up to me. "she's crazy" she giggles into my chest and I say "yeah she is. I've gotta go put this ice cream up before it melts". She groans and let's go of my so I can get out of bed. "I'm coming right back" I chuckle at her and get up to put the ice cream up. After I go put it up I come back upstairs and don't even get undressed before I lay on top of the covers and hold Snow. She sighs happily and snuggles into me. Wait, this means no sex until her period is over. Awe fuck!!

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