Chapter 23

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Brantley's POV

Kolby looks at me like I'm nuts and asks "that actually works?". I just chuckle and tell him "How you think I got an 18 year old at 28" and he just has to be a smartass and says "she likes older guy?". "Yeah, but that's not the point. I got her that way but how do think I'm keeping her" I ask smirking and he says "sex? And it's not like there's much to live up to, cause I'm guessing she was a virgin when you met her". I look at him surprised and ask "why do you think that". "Bro, I don't know if you've noticed but you've kinda got a history of taking V-cards" he says almost like he's trying to let me know. "Since when" I ask surprised at how the hell he has this information and he starts naming names. "Summer, Jaclyn, M-". "Get out of my house." "I'm not having you making me look dumb in my own home, out" I say, now out of my chair pretty much throwing my little brother out. "See ya Sunday" I say and shut my front door and lock it. "Little shit" I say walking back to my chair and as soon as I sit down my phone rings. I see that it's Snow calling so I answer it with a "Hey, baby". "Hey, can you pick me up after I get off work? Faye has to leave early and I don't have a ride home" Snow asks and I can hear that she didn't want to ask me this. I tell her "Of course, baby. Why'd Faye have to leave, doesn't she have the same hours as you?". "She has herpes" is all Snow has to say for me to nearly fall out of my chair laughing. "I'm kidding, she just really needs some more sleep" she says, still laughing at her own words and I'm sure my reaction too. "Okay, I thought she seriously had herpes" I say trying to calm myself but my chest is still vibrating with chuckles I can't hold back. "Hell, she gets around enough to" Snow mumbles making me bust up laughing yet again. "Fuck, I'm crying" I say wiping away the tears from my eye's watering. "Okay, you'll pick me up at 3, right?" She asks still slightly giggling. "Yeah, and hopefully you'll give me more than just a damn kiss when we get home". "How about when we get home you show me that sex dungeon of yours. I've been waiting 2 months to see what's in there" she suggest me showing her the sin din and I couldn't agree more. "Baby, you better be ready for what your asking for. If you think I'm rough now just wait til I get ya in that room" I have to at least warn her before I throw her full force into a glorified sex dungeon. "I think I can handle it. Anyway I've gotta get back to work, see ya in a little while". I get my goodbye in before we hang up then I go upstairs to make sure there aren't toys scattered all over the floor of the sin din and make sure everything's where their supposed to be. When I get up there I find some handcuffs and a cock ring on the beside table and I have no idea how they're out. I put the handcuffs up and just to be safe wash the cock ring. "How in the hell did those get out?" I wonder to myself walking back downstairs to wait until I need to kick up Snow.

After a little while of writing I hear the tone I set especially for Snow so I know it's her when she texts since I usual think 'I'll get it later' when someone texts and never end up doing so. It's a recording of her laughing as she danced around the kitchen in her underwear singing country must be country wide. Ever since I let her listen to my albums I've been finding her randomly singing or humming the songs. I pick up my phone and read her text despite knowing exactly why she's texting. (text convo)

Snow👅: I'm off, can you go ahead and come pick me up?

Me: On my way, baby

Snow👅: yay!! Please hurry, I always get creeped out by this place at night, especially when I'm alone

Me: I'm hurrying. Be there in a few minutes, sweetheart

I decide to take one of the bikes since it's not as cold as it's been lately but I bring an extra jacket incase Snow's isn't thick enough to keep her from shivering. Once I remember to bring her helmet I'm off like a shadow in the night. Note to self; never use that term ever again. I enjoy the wind and the feeling of freedom now that there's just about nobody on the road. While I'm riding I absentmindedly start humming drinking class by Lee Brice as I'm nearing the club to pick up my baby girl. About a block away from the club, I hear screaming. I pull into the parking lot and see a guy holding someone against the building and trying to kiss her while she's screaming. I jump off my bike and run as fast as I can as soon as I hear her scream "BRANTLEY!!". It's Snow. This motherfucking is trying to violate my woman!!! I can't control the anger inside me when I throw him away from her and just start punching. I don't know what part of him I'm hitting, I just know my fists are making contact with something other than concrete and he's not fighting me. I keep punching not until I think he's out, not until somebody tells me to stop, but until I don't wanna hit him anymore which took a while. I turn my attention to the shaking and hyperventilating Snow curled up in a ball on the ground. "Baby" as soon as I touch her she flinches and jumps but as soon as she opens her eye's and sees it's me, she wraps her arms and legs around me, crying into my chest. I pick her up and rub her back trying to the best of my abilities to calm her down but it's not working. My mind at this point has come up with a list of things I need to do, most importantly make sure Snow never has to come back here ever again. I bust in the door of the club to see one little dude behind the bar counting money. "Snow, what's wrong with you" he asks cautiously trying to come towards her. I growl savagely and his eye's damn near pop out his skull. "She's done and we're leaving. You can hire somebody else for her spot cause my baby ain't working here no more". He starts to panic and ramble which ain't helping my urge to throw him across the fucking room. "Snow you can't quit, your the best dancer I have. The guys love you" he steps closer and I'm a few centimeters away from beating him until he understands to get away from my woman. "Boy, you get any closer, I'll smash your face into the fucking wall" I growl and he back up slowly. "I wanna go home" Snow sobs into my shoulder and I know I need to get her out of here. I get her back outside and on the bike, thankfully she's small enough to ride in front of me cause I don't think I'm gonna be able to get her to move right now. I quickly pull out my phone and text one of my only Buddy's in law enforcement. He knows if a text him a certain thing that he needs to get here quick. (Text convo)

Me: (club address) 💀

Daniel: shit, I'm on my way. Do we need an ambulance and was it self defense?

Me: probably and kinda

Daniel: what do you mean kinda? Did he hurt you or someone else before you went bulldog on him???

Me: yeah, now get your ass here, I got a crying girlfriend who I need to get home!!

Daniel: girlfriend, huh?

Me: friend* just get here

It wasn't even 5 minutes until he got there and put the sorry sack of shit in cuffs. I was able to call him on his way here so I didn't have to explain when he got here and could just leave. Now I'm holding Snow still sobbing and hyperventilating on the bike, nearly to the house. "Lord, why her"

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