Chapter 29

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Brantley's POV

1 month. That's how long it's been since I've had a real conversion with the woman that sleeps next to me every night. That's how long it's been since I've seen her smile. It kills me that she's so detached and I don't even know what I did. I love her and I hate seeing her unhappy, especially if it's because of something I did. I look over at her sitting on the couch and try to work up the courage. "Hey" I say getting her attention. "Come here" I tell her, patting my lap for her to come sit. "Okay?" She says confused and gets up walking over to me and sits down in my lap. "What's up" she asks looking at me. I say "Tell Daddy what's wrong" while patting her ass. "What do you mean". "I mean for over a month now you've been detached as all get out. We haven't had a real conversation in god knows how long" I tell her and instantly see her uncomfortable and fidgety. "Sorry, I've just been stressed with work and trying to get my savings in order it's just really stressful" she apologizes, her eye's never meeting mine so I put my finger to her chin and turn her head to me. "Ever other time I've asked you about this you had that same answer. I want you to tell me the truth Snow. If something's wrong I'll make it better but you gotta tell me first" I explain, searching her eye's from some clue or sign to what she's feeling. "That is the truth" she says irritated and tell her "Snow, I don't like being lied to". She looks at me like she's pissed and gets up out of my lap, going upstairs. "What the fuck" I ask myself and get up out of my chair and going upstairs to at least see if she'll give me an answer. "Baby, just tell me what's wrong. That's all I want" I say walking into my bedroom to find Snow. "I already told you what's wrong, damn it. You just don't fucking believe me" she yells at me and it surprises me because she never yells. When she's really mad she just death glares and talks normal. "What the fuck!!! I know your not telling me the truth Snow, just fucking say it". I try to keep my cool but it all comes out as a yell and she gets even more pissed. "God, you just like my dad. You just yell and get pissed. What comes next, you gonna hit me you arrogant fucking prick" she yells at me standing behind the other side of the bed and I'm officially livid. "Get out of my house" I quietly growl, looking down at her. Her lips slightly part in surprise and she backs away, timidly asking "W-what?" as she wraps her arms around herself. "Get the fuck out of my house" I say a little louder but not yelling. When she doesn't move, that's when I let go of all the anger inside me and it all comes out as a savage, earthshaking roar. "NOW!!!"

Snow's POV

As soon as Brantley yells I become 10x more scared than I was and run as fast as I can. I just want to get out of this fucking house. I quickly grab my phone and my gun from downstairs, clipping my Glock into my waistband and shoving my phone in my pocket. I run out the front door and slam it shut with all of my force, then run. As I'm running as far away from him as I can get, hot tears start streaming down my face. How did I ever fall for him? At this point I realize how pathetic I am. I'm running on the side of the road, crying with a pistol on my hip that's pulling my leggings down. I pull my phone out of my pocket and don't bother collecting myself before I dial my best friends number. "Hello" Faye picks up with her usual happy voice and I break. I tell her what happened while crying even harder and she tries her damnedest to keep herself and me calm at the same time. "Snow!! Calm down, I'm on my way just stay there". "Okay *gasp*" I try to stop crying so hard so maybe I won't be crying at all when she gets to me. "I'll be there in just a minute. Hang tight" is all she says before she hangs up leaving me to let the rest of my tears out. I'm not even gonna fucking think about him because if I do it's just gonna make it hurt worse.

After just a couple minutes Faye pulls up and I get in her car. She immediately pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back and saying "I'm so sorry". On our way to her house I can barely do anything other than cry as I try to explain to her in detail, everything that happened. "I'm gonna rip his dick off" she says, now so pissed she's turning red. "Good luck" I mumble as she pulls into her driveway and kills the engine. "Look, we're gonna have a girls night in. We're gonna watch movies and drink coffee until 4am and not be able to sleep for 24 hours" she makes a slightly bad time actually sound fun and I smile. She smiles and says "see, that worked better than the sexy watermelon costume" and I can't help but laugh at her as I get out of the car. We go in and pick an assortment of movies including the Magic Mike XXL and give some coffee. Then after we put one of the movies in we curl up in a huge blanket and I try to forget about you know who. I love my bestfriend.

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