Chapter 38

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Brantley's POV

Good god, I don't know how many more nights on the music room couch I can take. Hell, the guys are already saying it looks like I got fucked in the ass with the way I'm walking and I'm still not able to able to sleep in my own damn bed. Plus, sleep on this thing does not come easily. I toss and turn until I'm finally able to get semi comfortable and try to go to sleep.

My phone ringing wakes me up and it feels like I've only been asleep for 10 minutes. I pick up my phone to deny the call until I see who's calling. It's 4 in the morning and Snow is calling me. She told me yesterday afternoon to get out of her studio and now she's trying to talk to me. I sleepily answer with a "hello". "Hey Big Daddy, you finally answered" Snow purrs through the phone and I go from falling back asleep to completely awake and sitting up in a few seconds. "Snow, how drunk are you" I ask knowing she has to drinking be acting like this. "I'm not drunk, just horny. Pleeease come over and fuck me, Daddy?". Now I know she's not drunk because her voice has a whine to it when she's drunk and it doesn't now. "Snow, you have a boyfriend remember" I remind her and she purrs "I don't care. I want you to fuck me, not him". By this time, I'm hard as a rock in my shorts and I'm not ashamed that I start rubbing myself through the fabric. Despite my teenag-ish act below the belt and still try to be a responsible adult on the phone with Snow and tell her "Snow, go to bed, sleep off whatever you got in your system before you do something you badly regret". She whines out "Baby" on the other end before I cut her off "don't you baby me. Now hang up and go to bed before I come over there and make you". I'm surprised I was able to get the words out that well considering my shorts are now pulled down and I'm fully stroking myself but I nearly shutter at her response. "I want you to come make me, Daddy. We both already know how that works and I could use a spanking". "And I'm bout ready to give you one" I mumble quietly to myself, sitting on the edge of the couch to be more comfortable. I hear someone in the background on the phone and ask "Snow, is anybody there with you". "Uh huh, Faye's here" she says I can bet she's the one behind this. "Let me talk to her, now" I growl, composing myself to talk to the woman who more than likely caused this. "Hello, Mr. Gilbert. How may I help you" Faye answers innocently and I can't help but growl at her and she warns "Don't start that shit with me". "Faye, please tell me she's drunk. I don't want her calling me at 4am and me find out she's on something". I swear to all that is good and holy if that girl is on something bad I'm going there right the fuck now to make sure she's okay. "It's nothing bad" she mumbles, trying to avoid the question. "Not exactly the answer I'm looking for, Faye. I need a name, an amount, and if she's tried it before. Now". I get up, holding my phone between my head and shoulder to put my sweatpants back on and go downstairs. "Okay, it's just weed but it's some strong ass stuff. There's your imfo and it's all your getting". I roll my eye's as I press the 'start brew' button on the coffee maker and ask through the phone "Does she do this a lot? Don't tell me she's one of those people that needs a wheelbarrel of it a day to function normally". "No she's not. This is the first time in over a year she's done anything remotely like this. She was just really stressed and needed a release" she explains and I'm surprised. Is she so stressed about Tinsley? Is it something with her boyfriend? Me? I snap myself back to reality when I hear the coffee maker beep and even though I don't this has gotta be an annoying question I have to ask "Is she okay". Faye sighs and says "yes she's okay" then I hear her walking and a door shut.

"Listen, I know you care about her and honestly you still mean the world to her. Even after 4 hours of crying on the day she left there was still no way in hell she would say it was your fault she was hurting. Brantley, do you know why it's been a year and a half since she's done something like she did tonight?". All I say is no and Faye continues "*sigh* after she left she tried to drink the pain away. She did anything possible to make her stop hurting. Coke, heroin, weed, ecstasy, I mean anything. She went to fucking rehab, Brantley. Believe it or not there was a time where I wanted to kill you in cold blood for making my bestfriend nearly kill herself via Vodka and cocaine. All I know is one thing, if things with you and Amber don't work out.... stay the hell away from my bestfriend"

Being surprised from what Faye just said I draw a blank. What? She was talking about me meaning the world to Snow and now she's telling me to stay away from her. "W- What?" I ask confused and looking for an answer of any kind what makes sense. "Brantley, with all I've seen her go through because of you, It's my job to make sure she doesn't get hurt. I'm not watching that happen again which means if you ever want to get back together with her it's not happening, you understand me? She loves you and would do anything for you but your emotional suicide. Friends only, have a good night" with that the line went dead and I'm standing here in shock. Oh my god, what did I put that little girl through? She went to rehab because I broke her precious little heart. I can't believe she actually went through all of that, still got her degree and her own studio, plus an actually functioning relationship. It just shows how strong she is. Damn it, what did I do?

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