Chapter 10

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Brantley's POV

Watching Snow laying there under me trying to catch her breath has got be one of the most satisfying things ever. I figured I'd let her get used to sex in general before I teach her about her body and things she might like. "God" she breaths with a little smile on her face. I chuckle and turn on my side, pulling her into me. "What are you gonna tell your brother" she asks looking up at me as I see her eye's start to fade from almost black back to her normal bright green. As soon as I open my mouth, my phone starts ringing. I get it off the intable and look at the screen. "Speak of the devil" I say picking up the phone. "What" I groan into the phone. "Are you and snow fucking". I laugh at question that he knows the answer to. "Duh" I say and hang up. Snow giggles at me and I look at her confused. "What's so funny" I ask smiling at how cute she is. "Nothing" she says snuggling into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer, resting my chin on her head. "Girl, your gon' get me in trouble" I tell her and she just giggles. In just a few minutes Snow's asleep cuddled up to me. I kiss her forehead and keep watching TV, feeling so content. Not long after the movie I was watching goes off I fall asleep with Snow in my arms.

When I wake up the cable box says it's about 10am and Snow's still in my arms. "Snow, your late for work" I lazily shake her awake. "My boss called this morning and gave me the day off. I've still gotta work tonight though" she slurs from sleepiness, explaining why she's not at work. "You gonna finally tell me what your second job is or do I have to wait longer" I ask, moving a fiery curl out of her face. "Ya know what? Why don't you come with me tonight" she says looking up at me. "Are you sure" I ask, unsure if it's fine for me to just come to work with her. "I'm positive" she says and starts stroking my beard. Man, I don't know why, but her playing with my beard feels so damn good. "your beard is fun to play with" Snow says focusing on the 1 inch hair grown from my jawline. I close my eye's to try to keep myself calm because this is a major turn on. "goddamn" I growl grabbing her roughly by her ass and pull her flush against me. "is somebody horny" she asks smirking "always" I growl and smash my mouth against hers. She bites my lip and I squeeze her ass harder. About that time Ally jumps on the couch, on top of us and Sylo tires to jump up here but he's too small. Ally ends up laying right on top of me pushing Snow away. "damn it, Ally" I say pushing her off of the couch. "your the 3rd most important woman in my life but she's 2nd" I scold Ally and she lays her ears down, walking away. "I am?" Snow asks surprised. Oh shit. Did I really just say that? "uh...." I struggle to find the words to save my ass. "I'll act like that didn't happen if you will" she whispers in my ear. I kiss her softly on the lips and pull back looking her in the eye. "deal" I smirk and she laughs. "your a dick" she laughs at me. "oh there's something we need to talk about" I say seriously and she looks up at me, listening. "I know this isn't a relationship but I can't handle guys hitting on you and just having to stand back and watch" I tell her and she looks unsure. "you want like a relationship without love" she asks looking up at me with a expression I can't quite place. I nod and she sighs. "I don't know" she says looking down. "C'mon, I'll treat you like a princess, I'll protect you" I lean down to her ear and whisper "I'll spoil ya with expensive lingerie that I'll rip off your body". I feel small bumps form on her arms and legs from my words. "I don't want you to buy me anything. But if you would rip off the lingerie that I buy then that could be fun" she smiles sexily letting her eye's wander my torso. I lift her chin to look back up at me "is that a yes" I ask grinning. "no, it's a hell yes" she says then leans up and kisses me. "Well I guess your my girlfriend now" I smile cockily looking down at the small redhead. "Yep" she says grabbing her phone off the table. She starts laughing while scrolling through her phone and I raise an eyebrow. "What's so funny" I ask trying to see what she laughing at. "Tye asked for your number" she laughs and turns her phone around and shows me the text. "Oh my god" I say chuckling. "He really likes me don't he" I ask her, laughing. "Not as much as I like you" she smiles. God, she's gonna kill me with that smile. "So when are you going to work" I ask. "6:30". "ugh, I don't want to go" she says resting her head on my chest. "It'll be more fun with me there" I say playing with her hair. "Maybe, but you being there won't stop people from being assholes" she mumbles into my chest making she laugh.

"why the hell why won't you just tell me the place" I ask Snow, frustrated. She refuses to just tell me where she works instead of giving me directions as we go. "because no, that's why. Take a left" she says pointing where I need to turn. I turn and pull into the parking lot she tells me to and she says "we're here". My jaw drops and the only thing I can thing is 'hell no'. "your a stripper" I ask looking over at Snow. "surprise" she says looking nervous. "that's fucking sexy" I whisper to myself looking away from her. She leans over and kisses my cheek right before saying "just wait til you see me" and jumping out of the truck. "My girlfriends a stripper" I say to myself before seeing Snow motion for me to get out if the truck. I get out and walk with her into her work/the strip club I went to for my 21st birthday. Damn, this is going to take some getting used to.

Hey guys, I'm so so so sorry it took me so long to update. I've been really busy these past few days working on some things. If you want to see what I've been working on follow me on Instagram at suck_my_unicorn_horn46 (shameless plug) hope you enjoyed this chapter, peace ✌

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