chapter : 2

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Hey buddies this is another u go..
After bidai me rk and radhika aunty with sleeping rithick in my arms went to his house in his car.... he was driving the car.. i and Aunty with rithick seated in back.. after 30 minutes we reached his house... it was not just an ordinary house...but it was a mansion.... that jackass didn't even wait for me.. he went directly inside the house...radhika aunty helpled me out from the car as i was carrying rithick in my arms.. and  was wearing saree...u know it was so much trouble... after reaching the entrance..radhika aunty asked me to wait outside... she brought arthi talli..with maid following her with pot full of rice... radhika aunty did my arthi..and asked me to kick the kalash and entered the house...after coming to living room i myself can't believe i am going to live in this house which is not less than the palace... aunty gave me some freshenments...and asked me to sit in the living room..meanwhile she will arrange room for my stay...not in the hell i am going to live with that jerk..
Bad mouthing your husband on your first day.. good improvement mocked my inner voice.. i just shrugged it..and was looking at the was so big.. everything seemed new to her.. her house was not half to this living room... she scolded herself not to think about these luxuries...she is here only for the baby who is sleeping in her arm... she kissed his forehead..and cuddled him tightly to her chest...she heard someone clearing their throught...she saw the man replica to her husband..but he was older than him..may be in his early 50's..
He introduced himself as rohith kundra..that means this man is her father _in _law.. she felt akward to introduce herself as his daughter in law.. to save her from this situation radhika came with dinner for madhu and milk for rithick...radhika introduced her as mother of rithick not as wife to that jerk..she was great full for it....rohith just blessed her and went upstairs... then radhika aunty asked me to follow her...she showed  me a room in first floor...the room was so big... it was coloured in brown and was simple but elegant.. there were queen size bed in the middle of the room and some love seats and couch in the corner of the room.. there were led tv, music player, books, dressing table...and many more....
Radhika aunty asked me did i like the room how do i say her it's beautiful... i just said i liked the room..then she said there is a walk in closet and wash room next to it..and my things are already arranged there...i nooded my head
. I do know what to reply...u see nowadays my life is full of shock... so i can't believe my words.. so i just nodded my head.. she patted my head and smiled at me lovingly..she is really very sweet..not the same desi mother in law..which are shown in serials... she took rithick from me and said.. she will place him in his nursery which is next to my room.. by this my face fell...i think she noticed me her next words brought big smile in my face..she said if i want i can keep him with me...i couldn't control my emotions any more..i just hugged her and said.. thank you Aunty...she broke the hug immediately and saw me sternly..i got scared..if i said anything wrong or did i hurt her with my actions..but what did i do? Like to answering my toughts she asked what i called her few minutes before...i said Aunty..she said i am her daughter  i should  not call her Aunty but anything other than that.. i thanked baba in my mind to give me another tears were not in control they were flowing freely.. i  hugged her said..  Mamma... she became emotional she too hugged me tight and cried...after sometime of that sentimental scenes.. she asked me to go and freshen up and to have my dinner..i did like what i was told..then she gave me rithick's milk bottle and some medicine..i asked mamma what the medicine was about..she said as rithick was not been brest feeded his immunity power is so low so doctor suggested some medicines... i felt bad.. but then i decided  as i am his mother now i will full fill my duties properly... i got a sooper idea.. i said this to mamma.. at first she was reluctant and said i don't wanna to do that... but i insisted her...she kissed my forehead with tears in her eyes..she said she was proud of me... and also said she will do all arrangements by tomorrow.. i thanked her once again...she just smiled and left the room not before kissing mine and rithick's forehead... i feed rithick his milk.. and ducked him in duet near me..and pulled him to my arms..i slept peacefully hoping to start a new morning as a mother to my baby boy....


Hey, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter... let me know what you think about madhu's idea for rithick...don't fail to comment and vote...

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