chapter :20

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Hey sweeties here is the update enjoy 😘


Madhu's pov :

I am happy noop it's not the right word to describe how happy I am.. I am feeling blessed... first when rishab said he is a thiest and he will take me to temple i thought he is just baffling around..but my pati dev proved me wrong by taking me to temple even before I could say...

What made me more happy is the priest who was in charge of the temple saw us and asked us to come  near him.. we went..he said he wanted to say something about this now I was all ears..but rishab being him don't want to hear anything and as usual behaved rude with the old man.. but I am more stubborn.. the priest said rithick will be a living a prosperous life.. but In his star it's said that his mother will be no more when he will turn 2 years...

After listening to this rishab literally beat the priest but I some how consoled him.. whole ride from temple to home was the silent one.. I wanted to talk to him but seeing his anger I dare not. ..

After reaching home mamma asked If everything is fine or not..I told everything is good..I asked about rithick she said he went with Papa to nearby park.. rishab came inside after parking the car and he not even once glanced at me and directly went upstairs...

You guys may be wondering that why I said I am feeling blessed even after knowing I will not be alive to see my little boy growing.. the true is that if my death brings all happiness and prosperity in my child's life..I am ready to sacrifice my life happily...

My thoughts were broken when I heard a huge sound from upstairs..I think you guys would have found by now. .who it''s none other than my pati dev..yup my rishab......

I went to our room to see what's the commosoun is all about i was shocked when I saw rishab's palm was full of blood.. his knuckles were bleeding.. I was terrified seeing it my eyes automatically teard up......

Madhu  :   rishab are you mad.. why did you Break the glass with your hand..see now it's bleeding..why are you so irresponsible... don't move your hand I will go and get you  the first aid box...

I literally ran to washroom to bring the first aid box.. i kneeled down beside him and started to dress his wound.. all the while he was silent not even once he hissed in pain.. my tears
Were flowing free from my eyes and I didn't care to wipe them.... i completed his dressing.   I saw rishab whoes eyes were blood red.. he didn't once kept his eye contact with me. I cupped his cheeks and stared straight in his eyes..

Madhu :  Why u did this? 


Madhu : Rishab  please...

Rk :   You will really leave me..

It was not a question but a statement...i gasped when his words registered in my mind... he was looking like a five year old... i don't know what to say..  I gently kissed his's the first time I am making an initiative..he saw me in my eyes.....

Rk : Madhu  I won't leave you whatever it is... you are struck with me for your whole life.. did you get that?

MadhuI am glad rishab....

Author's pov :

Rk then raised her then took her into bone crushing hug.. madhu too reciprocated his feeling.. then he gently kissed her forehead..she closed her eyes unable to bear the intensity.. then he kissed her both eyes which were closed...the butterflies were creating havoc in her stomach..then he wiped her tear stricken cheeks with his lips...her legs weekend... she fisted Rk's shirt to balance herself..rk too tightened his hold on her waist to balance her.. then he came little forward..both were inches apart..madhu could feel Rk's breath on her lips... . Madhu's fist on his shirt tightened.. he leaned a little and captured her pouty lips with his in a promising kiss.. which only had love and promise for each other....

They don't need words to describe their feelings for each other...their actions speaks volume......


That's it  for today sweeties..hope you guys like it.. finally I wrote a kiss scene.. I don't know if it's good or not it's my first time to write an intimate scene..pardon my flaws..and enjoy the update... don't forget to vote and comment..

Ps:-  I know it's very short update.. sorry for that... i promise to give you all a long update in future....till then  kindly bear with me please....




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