chapter 19 (b)

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Sry guys last part got published without my here you go..


Rk couldn't see her like that so he pulled her towards him.. he too was shocked with his action as much as madhu is now..

Madhu :  Hmmm. .rishab what are you doing?

RkWhat I am doing..I know  you can't sleep without your son is not here i am here to help..stop thinking so much and sleep..

Madhu : Hmmm. .okay..

Madhu's heart was beating like she just  run a marathon.. rk could feel her... rk was very happy because she is also affected by him as much as he is affected by her...

At sharp 12  Rk's phone vibrated in his pocket he raised a little to see his innocent wife sleeping cutely with a smile on her face and holding his t-shirt  tightly  in her little fist.. rk smiled at  her action kissed her forehead and freed himself..he went towards his parents room to see his dad working as usual and his mom playing with his son...

Rk :  it's time..

Radhika  :  Hmmm. . Okay...i will go and bring the cake...

Rohith :  I will  help her..

Rk :  I will take rithick with me to my room.. come soon you both..

Radhika &rohith :  ya...

Rk : baby come let's go and wish your mom...

Rithick  claps his hands happily...

Both rithick and rk went to their room.. rk places rithick next to madhu and he sits next to her on both sides..both son and dad starts to wake her  up.. madhu grones and wakes up to see two important men's in her the same time there was a knock on the door. .rk goes and opens the door radhika and rohith comes with a  cake.. first madhu was confused why they brought the cake then realisation hit her that it's her birthday..her eyes tears up.. because on 22 years of her life no one cared for her or celebrated her was only her mom sultan and trishna who wish her.  His comments if he gets to know by any chance that it's her birthday he will not leave any stone unturned to hurt her.. radhika understood her turmoil came near her and hugged her with  motherly love.. their moments were disturbed when rithick pulled his dad 's hair and rk hissed in pain..everyone laughed at the duo..

Rohith brought her near the cake madhu smiled at him..he too smiled back..rk gave her the knife and rithick jumped in joy.  Madhu was overlemed by their love..she took rithick from Rk's arm and cut the cake with him..he fed rithick first and then rk followed by radhika and rohith... rohith and radhika gift her a  diamond necklace when she neglected first but agreed because of their constant nagging... then they once again wished her birthday once again and went to sleep this time leaving rithick with them..

Madhu  :  thanks

Rk :  for?

Madhu : for celebrating my birthday

Rk :  You are welcome..y didn't you say it's your birthday..

Madhu  :  True is that I don't celebrate my birthday..

Rk :  and I think I know the reason  y..

Madhu : Hmmm..ya..

Rk :  so what u want for your birthday ?

Madhu :  I don't want anything rishab I am so much happy..really

Rk : Hmmm. Ok.. I can't leave you like this so I bought it..hope you like it....

Saying  this he took out a red velvet box from his pocket..she opened and gasped to find a beautiful platinum chain in it...

Madhu : it's beautiful..but you don't have to..u know

Rk :  stop with these  formalities I wanted to so I gave..that's it..

Madhu. . HMM..ok..rishab  I wanted to ask you something

Rk :  Hmmm what?

Madhu  : can u come with me for temple tomorrow? If you not comfortable it's okay.

RkWhy you think I will not be comfortable

Madhu :  in every book  and film which I read they show the male lead as atheist that'swhy..

Rk : Haha..come on madhu it's not a book nor a film..and I am not an atheist so I will surely come with you tomorrow..

Madhu : thank you

Rk :  You are welcome..come now let's sleep. ...

Saying the they both went to sleep beside already sleeping rithick..


That's it  for today..sry sweeties actually the previous chapter got published without my knowledge..Sorry once again..and it's my birthday today so this update Is my treat for you guys hope you like it




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