chapter :29

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Hey sweetie's here is the update enjoy 😘


Author's pov:

RK was driving mukkund was sitting beside him.. the whole  ride was filled with Akward silence... mukkund couldn't help but to glance at RK once then back in seeing the trees which were passing by...

On the other hand RK was filled with unknown emotions he wanted to be angry at the same time cry out loud he was thankful that mukkund didn't ask anything otherwise who knows he will tell  something which he will  regret​ in future...

With the Akward silence filled in the atmosphere they reached the spot.. mukkund was confused to see where he was brought by his best friend.. it was nothing but mukkund's and RK's high school where they met eachother and from where their friendship started to blossom...

Mukkund : why we are here RK?

RK : I will tell you but let we first go inside.

With that both RK and mukkund went inside the school.. the school was in complete silent as it was time of puja holidays the students all were In holiday.. both mukkund and RK remembered all of their memories.. like how they ragged their juniors together, how they campined together for the student council elections etc.etc.. both mukkund and RK got tears in their eyes while recalling the memories.. but both of them said nothing they were walking silently till RK without any second thought went inside the classroom which stated 9 STD 'B' sec.
Mukkund too followed him inside they saw the classroom which was resembling same after so many years...rk went and sat at the last row mukkund too went and sat beside him both of them were silent no one was saying anything..but RK couldn't bare it anymore so he broke the silence.

RK : why you did that?

Mukkund was now totally confused he don't have single idea about what RK is talking about..

Mukkund : Hey what I did?

RK : why you tried to kill Madhu ?

There he said that, after saying these words his eyes teared up and a drop of it fell from his eyes. How will you feel when your close friend who you thought as your soul brother/ sister or may be more than that ditched you... Divasted right that's how RK is feeling now shattered, divasted you can name it whatever you want....

Mukkund was frozed on his spot after listening to RK.. he don't know what to say...

Mukkund :  I...hmm..we.. didn't....

Mukkund couldn't even utter a single sentence now.. RK who was shedding tears for his broken friendship minute before was furious by now.... Because now his heart and brain both are just remembering the words which he promised to his Madhu.. that he will not allow any trouble to affect her or rithick.. without giving any warning RK hit mukkund on his stomach mukkund fell down from the chair .rk was so much furious he sat on mukkund's stomach and started to beat him black and blue....he was furious will be understatement...

RK : Answer me damwit how can you do this to me I saw you as more than my brother I told you everything to you I even told that " I love Madhu". It was you who I told this first not even to her.. I trusted you so much how can you do this to me Hun? How can you.... answer me you p***k...

Mukkund : because you deserve it RK or may be more than this..

This shocked RK to core he thought he will apologies to him or even say some excuses for it but not in his wildest dream he thought he will answer like this... RK fell on the floor all shocked...


And at the same time at Singhania's residency Madhu was listening attentively to her (bhabhi) com her besties bikkerings about her pregnancy and Sultan was smiling seeing at his wife who was animatedly talking with his sister.. but he felt a stinging feeling on his cheek only to see his nephew who was angry on his uncle.. because he left playing with him and started to see his aunt who was talking with his mom.. Sultan said small sorry to rithick but how could our little Kundra accept that easily so he started to show tantrums without having any other choice Sultan took his little angry nephew on a piggy back ride. Which was a very rare sight to see both couldn't help but burst out laughing seeing it..

Their moments were distributed when Madhu got a  call her smile left her face while seeing the caller ID.but this time it was not an unknown number but it was

Madhu : Hello..

Deepali : Hey Nanny...

Madhu got angry after listening to her..

Madhu : we both know that is not the truth so without beating around the bush come to the matter..

Deepali: feisty much smart ass...
Anyways if you want to see your so called husband alive come to St. Martin high school now...

Madhu was shocked after listening to her words.. but she composed herself when she remembered her husband's pep talk which he gave before Sultan came to pick her up.. in which he said "Don't ever show your vulnerability to your enemies which only increases their strength"

Madhu : You will not dare to touch him otherwise you will face the consequences which you will not like..

With that Madhu cut the call and prepared herself for what future had stored for her..


Hey sweetie's that's it for today hope you guys like it please do vote and comment...




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