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Hey guys I know I am very late.. but at present my life has took a total 360° and I am totally confused about it... So I was busy in cursing my own fate that I completely forgot about this... I am thankful to RumiKhan01 for keeping me updated saying that there are many out there who are fond of my book and waiting for an update here I am to give you all the episode.... I hope you guys will like this update...


Author's pov :

Madhu lost her balance after listening to the other person in phone... RK who was standing beside her saw her reaction and made a conclusion that whatever she heard is not a good news..even when he could hear the voice from other side he couldn't form a word from that.. so he was confused what it would be but after seeing Madhu's reaction he concluded that it is something bad..  rithick who was busy gawking at his mom realised she is in shock and kissed her in cheeks stating like not to worry when he and his father is there.. this action of him brought smile on his parents face......

RK : Madhu I exactly don't know what the other person said but I assure you I will not let anyone to harm you are rithick so don't worry..

Madhu : hmmm...

All she did was just to hum in response and took rithick from RK and went to bed.. but sleep was far away from her.. after sometime RK too joined her..


Everyone was shocked after listening to RK.. ya finally the elder Kundra's, mukkund and Nisha came home safe...after freshening up they all came for breakfast that time Rohit demand for an answer RK said he will tell after breakfast but the elder Kundra was in no mood to listen so RK without any choice spilled out everything...

Radhika  : o God...

Saying that first he went to his son kissed his forehead then to rithick and Madhu...Madhu let out a Silent sob in her embrace which she was holding for a long time.. Radhika patted her back to console her...

Rohith :  Madhu beta don't worry nothing will happen....we are there na we won't​ let anything happen...

RK : ya dad u are right so biwi just chill....

Mukkund : RK on a serious note who do you think would have done this...

This question got everyone's attention...

Rohith : ya I too wanna ask the same but before me mukkund asked that anyways..

RK :  I  have some people in my mind....

Mukkund : and who are they?

RK didn't answer for mukkund's question just raised himself from Chair went near Madhu first kissed Radhika on her forehead then Madhu then rithick...... Then he started to walk towards the main door but alt on his way hearing his father's angry voice...

Rohith : RK where are you going now?

RK : To commissnor's office I have some unfinished work to do....

Mukkund : ok I will also come with you..

RK : no need you stay here..

Mukkund : but why?

RK : because I said so as simple as that...

Mukkund frowned at his choice of words but said nothing and went inside the guest  room Nisha trailing behind him...


It was evening Madhu was in her room folding clothes but her thoughts were somewhere else... rithick was busy with his toy but he soon got bored of it so he saw something to play when neatly folded clothes caughts his attention he grins Merilly and crawls towards the clothes and starts to mess with the clothes... When once neatly folded clothes were now all messed up all credit goes to our little devil..when he don't have any more clothes to mess with he saw his mom who was busy in some thoughts having his dad's shirt on her hand he went towards her and started to tuck the shirt from his mother's hold this made Madhu to come out of his thoughts.then she sees her son who is frowning at her then she sees all neatly folded clothes were now scrawled in bed mercilessly and now it was her turn to frown and rithick smiled keeping a very so innocent Face.. if Madhu doesn't know Better about her son she would have really thought he didn't do this....

Madhu :  you little naughty..come here now tell me why did u do this  ?

Rithick started to shake his head left to right stating like he didn't do anything... Madhu couldn't help but smile a little but she immediately overcame of it having a straight face..

Madhu​ : acha mere baby ne kuch nai Kiya na.... Tuje me dikathi hoon kya karna he....(o really my baby didn't do anything na now I will show you what to do)

With that she started to tickle rithick..the poor little boy couldn't get away from his mother's assault and broke into roares of laughter this made Madhu to giggle.... Now the room was full of Madhu's and rithick's laugh.. rk who was till now a Silent spectator couldn't help but to have a condent smile on his face...he clears his throat to gain their attention which worked..

RK : what's going on here?

On cue of this question rithick started to complain about his mother to his dad on his baby language even though he couldn't understand a word except "ma"  from it he nodded his head  like as If he understands everything this made Madhu giggle.. both RK and rithick scowls at her but rithick was actually trying to copy his father's action only to Make it more adorable... Madhu couldn't help but to kiss his cheek soundly this made rithick so angry that he put his hand on his mother's​ mouth her to stop from kissing she should say sorry but she laughs and kisses him .. seeing this RK's lip twitched upwards

RK : How about giving your deed back....

Madhu : what dee --

Before she could complete her sentence she was launched by both dad and son who were by now mercilessly tickling her.. actually RK was tickling her rithick made himself comfortable on his mom's belly ans started to rub her stomach in name of tickling......her laughter came to an end when she hears a ping sound from her Mobile... She releases herself from RK and put rithick on bed went to check on her phone only to get freaked out.. seeing her face loosing all colours RK got alarmed and took phone in his hand only to by get red because of anger after seeing the message from an unknown number..

Unknown number: Laugh how much you want Madhubala because  I will make sure this will be your last Laugh...


Hey sweeties that's it for today hope you guys like it please do vote and comment...




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