chapter :9

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Hey sweeties here is ur update enjoy..... i don't have time for proof read in your own risk


Precap :  madhu crying for her fate... rk regretting his words.. mukkund and nisha furious on rk.. rithick crying for his mom's attention... everyone trying to concole him but everything goes in vein... at last madhu comes there and takes rithick with her leaving shocked trio (  mukkund nisha and rk)  behind...


Present :

Rk was angry on himself he do know what to do... nisha's words were ringing on his ears... his heart  knows it's true but his mind doesn't want to believe her words... he was insecure... he know he was fault in past but he was also been betrayed... no one supported him when he was having sleepless nights..his own parents dis owned him.. he couldn't digest the fact that his own mom dis owned him but accepted his son... after 3 months first time when his mom called him he was on cloud nine.. but his all enthusiasm failed when his mom said he want to marry a girl who she selected for him... he tried to convince his mom because he don't want to marry.. but his mom didn't give any deed to it...

He was furious on the girl who fascinated his mom..when at first he saw madhu in coffee shop for a second he tought she was beautiful.... but then he remembered she is the witch who fascinated his mom.. not only that he was jealous of seeing madhu and rithick bonding one could say that they were not blood related..... 

When he married her he said clearly that she was just nanny for his son and nothing more... he will pay money for taking care of his son... he tought she will agree because according to him she married him only for his money... when madhu  denied the money and said he is my son...  that was the first time he felt like he was wrong on judging her... but he just shrugged his toughts.. 

And that day when he saw madhu breast feeding rithick he felt the joy which he couldn't name it.... he was trying to understand his own feelings.. when he will come near to name the feeling he will just shrugges the tought.... when nisha said rk was feeling peace being with her... his heart knows she said the truth because he was not the man who can socialise easily..but he was behaving childish just to annoy her.. when she slept next to him.... he was feeling eternal..... but his mind denied saying it's just because of jet lag nothing more than that........

Rk couldn't understand what he want to do now....he was fully on his toughts that he didn't notice mukkund sitting next to him and observing his every move..

Mukkund  :  rk i know you are regretting your behaviour.... but it's not enough... because of you bhabhi got humiliated before everyone.. you want to apologise to her....

Rk :  i know mukkund what i did was wrong... i was fully on nisha's words... and i just poured all my anger on madhu.... but i do know if i can face her...

Mukkund :  rk be a man  don't run from your deeds..... correct ur mistake before it grows to a problem ... and ya pls just give your relationship a chance...

Rk : you know everything about me then how u can advise me to give this relationship a chance..

Mukkund :  just say me one thing rk do u feel madhu bhabhi is same like her....

Rk :  no.. but.....

Mukkund :  but what i am not asking u to love her.. i am just telling to make friendship with respect her.. is it more to ask?

Rk didn't say anything... mukkund understood his turmoil and just pressed his shoulder little to his support...

Rk knows whatever mukkund said was true.. so rk decided to make his relationship work so as the first step he decided to make madhu as his friend...


On tye other hand  madhu was patting sleeping rithick.. that boy was tired of crying and slept when madhu feed him....she decided to follow rk's words.. to just be rithick's mom and nothing more.. she was fool to think her relationship with her husband can grow.. her chain of toughts were broken by opening of door.... she tought nisha would be here to make her feel she didn't turn....

Madhu  : nisha i am ok.. u don't take any stress just go and get ready for your haldi shopping...

Rk :  i am not nisha..and ya she went to her shopping with mukkund...

Madhu freezed on her spot listening to rk's the million of God's she didn't think for once he will be here..

Rk :  madhu i know i shouldn't have talk to u like that... i am sorry... actually i showed my office stress on you... i am sorry... i know how much i apologies it's not worth it....but please if u can accept my apologies....plz....

Madhu turned to see rk.. he was talking being his eyes closed.. she felt like some 10 yr old is apologising to his mom for  stealing chocolates...madhu couldnt help to just smile on his words..

Madhu  :  it's ok rishab...i can understand i was also in fault u made clear on first day itself that i am just na.....nanny.. for rithick.. i shouldn't have  asked....

Rk :   madhu i am sorry..don't talk like that u will tell everytime that rithick is your son na... ya he is your son..  i am a fool to tell u as nany i am sry....

And ya for first and last i am agreeing my actions as foolish don't u dare say it to anyone...

Madhu couldnt help but laugh at his words....

Rk :  madhu if u don't mind can we be friends?

Madhu :  hun?

Madhu was shocked.. she pinched herself to see is she dreaming or something..but no it was real..rk chuckled at her reaction and raised his eyebrow for an answer ..

Madhu :  rishab i seriously couldn't take anymore shocks in a single  day.   First ur out burst then ur sry and now your proposal for friendship.....

Rk  :  ya... so what's your answer for my proposal ...

Madhu  :  hmm.. ya we can  be friends......

Rk raised his pinky...

Rk :  so friends?

Madhu  :   hahaha... here i tought  only rithi is kid.. u proved it wrong.. and ya friends...

She too pinned her pinky with his....madhu and rk laughed merrily...


Hey sweeties so that's it  for was the update pls do vote and comment. .


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