chapter : 1

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Hey guys.. this is my second book hope u guys like this... here is the first


"Kanya ko bulaiye." ( call the bride) i heard pandit ji guys will be wondering what's going on.... to make you guys clear today is my wedding.. yup you guys heard it cleared.. today me madhubala is getting every girl i also dreamt about my marriage.. but it's not happening in that way.. i am happy that i am getting married..not because i love the groom or anything... i love my baby boy... so i am getting married to him.. to my bad dream yup.. he is my boss in office and going _to_be_husband_in_few_sec _in_real _life.. yup its none other than that arrongant RISHAB KUNDRA ..
You guys may be wondering if i hate him why i am marrying him. As i said before i am marrying that arrongant jack ass only for my baby boy... because he is the father of my baby boy... RITHICK.. this name itself bring smile to my face....
My trace was broken when someone kept their hand on my shoulder.. i turned to see my mom mrs.padma malik standing beside me.. i know she is not happy with my decision... but she supports me whatever i do.. i love her like anything...she is my everything.... the thought of going away from her itself brought tears in my eyes.. i hugged her tightly and sobbed... my mom too cried with me.. she controlled herself and said it's time for me to go outside.. i went outside with my mom...soon radhika aunty to accompanied us... there seated that arrongant jackass in his glory..and my baby boy was in hands of trishna.. my friend come sole sissy...when rithick saw me..he raised his arms asking me to carry him.. but i can' just i kissed his cheeks and went and sat with that jackass.. he for concern too didn't see my face for if i care...
You care....moked my inner voice..but i shrugged everything...and focused on the happenings before me... soon it was time for kanyadhan mr.malik came forward with mom to give my hands to him..
You are transferred from one hell to another.. said my inner voice.. i know she is right..but in this hell there will be bundle of heaven always with me..that's my rithick... thats enough for me...
After sometime we were asked to do sath phera.. thrishna tied our ghadbandhan.. i took rithick from her.. i rithick him we three did that pheras... in these secen pheras i took vow to myself to love rithick as real mother... and always be there for him...
You guys may be wondering about that "real mother thing" yup actually i am not the real mother of rithick...about real mother i too do know anything.. rithick is that R.K'S SON..but now he is my son too....i am very happy for that...
My thoughts were broken by pandit ji asking him to tie nuptial chain on my neck and to fill my maang with sindoor.. he did as he was told..finally he pronounced us as husband and wife...but upto me finally i became mother to my baby boy... we were asked to take blessings from elders..we went to his mom radhika aunty.. we bowed down to touch her feet..but she stopped me in the middle and hugged me saying
I'm her daughter my place is in her heart not in her feet...this brought tears in my eyes..i controlled it and hugged her.she kissed my forehead..when rk went to hug her she excused herself.. i do know what's the reason... i went to my mom.. i hugged her and cried..she consoled me and kissed my cheeks and forehead.. to my utter suprise rk touched my mom's feet..she blessed him..and kissed his was standing next to my mom..i didn't give any heed to him.. from first i am unwanted to him... he didn't care for anyone other than him... then why the hell i should take blessings from him.. i moved from there without taking blessings from him...rk to came after me..i hugged trishna and cried.. she consoled me saying she is always there for me... one tiny hand came and wiped my was none other than my babies hand.. i took him from trishna..hugged him and kissed him on his cheeks and forehead.. he giggled.. his giggles brought smile on my face... rk coughed i think to break our mom-son moments...he can't see me happy na...😬... much to my dismay rithick jumped to his dad... rk. Carried him and kissed his forehead..he too copied his daddy's act by kissing his will be an awwww.... if he didn't behave like the jackass before...
_ Flashback _
It was Saturday that means i can sleep peacefully next day... that thought itself brought smile in my face... i am working as an hr manager in kundra industries.... it's one of the biggest industries in india... its CEO mr.rishab kundra is my new boss.. he is very arrongant and strict when it comes to work... i didn't care much of him like any other girls..i know he is having that greek god looks.. but i went there to work not to drool my boss..with that thought i went downstairs to see mr.malik and my mom talking to a lady who must be of my mom's age.. i went there... she greeted me..i too wished her... she then said she is mrs.radhika rohith kundra...that brought mini heart attack to me..that means she is my boss mom....then the next news seriously got me hell freezed.. she came here to ask my hands for marriage to that kadoos arrongant jackass rk... hun.......she said he is having a listening this my mom instantly denied to this proposal...but mr.malik slapped my mom in front of her..that brought tears in both of our faces.. he said we don't have any rights to decide what we want... who the hell is he? I am independent. . I got angry...but i can't do anything..if i said or did anything he will torchour my i kept quite... mrs.kundra was also shocked by his behaviour but didn't say any word.. she said.. rk have a son who is 4 months baby..but he is not married before..this will be his first marriage....then how come baby.. she didn't answer for that...she literally begged me to marry him..because she likes me... i too don't want to disappoint her.. i can understand she is also in state of my mother so i reluctantly said ok to meet him...

After 2 days i met him in coffee day..he came with his mom and son..i instantly fell in love with the baby..we didn't talk anything..he was quite and was doing something in his phone..and i was enjoying with the baby...he is really so cute...
After 30 minutes..i went home to know that he agreed to marry me.. mr malik even didn't ask my opinion and fixed the marriage next weak in temple...
Later that night i got a call from an unknown number..i answered the mobile..but you know what that was rk..he didn't do any pleasantries nothing..he just threatened me not to back off from this marriage as rithick bonded well with me..he also said i am just his nanny and not to take advantage of him.. i got angry..i was about to shout at him....but he bet me in it saying i will he paid monthly for taking care of his baby... he didn't even wait for my answer and cut the call..the nerve of that man....i hate him..i tought to call off the marriage...but the coffee shop scene with the baby came to my mind.. i fell in love with him...what can he do for his father's i just kept quite..
_flashback ends_
So here i am married to mr.jackass...waiting to start my not so happy marriage life...

How was the first chapter guys...hope u like it....comment your views about madhu and rk.. and don't forget to vote...


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