chapter :16

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Hey sweeties here is the update enjoy 😘


Past :  Madhu's mom last ceremony.. rk helping madhu.....

Present :


I was in my room when I heard loud voices coming from downstairs.. first I didn't care because I thought it would be malik taunting someone.. but I heard mamma (  Rk's mom) shouting.. so I immediately ran downstairs to get another shock in my life...

There stood deepali.. my husband's ex. And my son's biological mother..what she want now why is she here.. I am already depressed if she came here for noness talk I swear I will kill her..

My killing plan was spoiled by trishna who took me to them with her... everyone standing there including rishab and sultan bhai.. and my poor rithick hid himself on his daadi's hair..... mamma smiled at me sensing my eyes on her..I too smiled back..

Malik :   so here comes the b***h..

You guys may be wondering what father in the world call his own daughter with names.. he does.. malik does.. I got usual to it from my actually from my birth.. but this stupid heart get hurts every time..before I can give my answer.. I got surprised

Rk +rohith + sultan :  Don't dare to call her that...

Everytime only sultan bhai will be there too talk behalf of me.. but this time I have my own family which consists of Mamma pappa rishab and of course my soul my son rithick.. I got more confidence.. malik was shattered by hearing their voice I Smirked at him.. he huffed.. I avoided him and turned towards the b***h who is standing In her glory..

Madhu  :  what do you want?

Deepali  :  Hello to u too sister. .

Rk :  Sister what the hell..

Deepali :  come on darling I am telling the truth..your nanny.. oops sry your wife is my sister..

Madhu :  i don't have any sis. Don't lie..

Malik  :  Hey you she Is not lying she is my daughter..unfortunately you became her sister..


Sultan :  What are you talking  before I Remember padmini massi as only one daughter and that Is who Is she..

Malik :  this is my daughter who born to me and my love not to that w***e

That's it.. how could he first he cheated on my mom and now he Is calling her characterless.. I couldn't take it anymore..I did what I felt correct for that moment.. I slapped him.. yes I slapped tight on his cheek.. everyone where shocked including him...

Madhu  :  How dare u hun how dare you first you cheated on my mom and  now calling her are characterless person not her.. if u loved someone else why you married my mom.... speak up  damit.

Malik :  you piece of s**t how dare you slap me.. your mom was characterless.. even i don't know Is you really my daughter or someone else...

I was shocked.. how could he talk like that... what he mean he doesn't know who's daughter i am.. Is Maa really...stop it madhu how could you believe in that j*******s words.. God what a horrible daughter i am.. for  a second i doubted on my own mother..

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