Chapter II

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REVISED - 4/9/20

Chapter 2: Only Time Will Tell

The airport looked crowded with all the bustling people walking to and from their destinations. While they were sure of where they wanted to go, I wasn't sure if I truly wanted to move. I'm seventeen, this isn't something a regular teenager does. I've never flown by myself before. Everything was foreign to me. 

Although, I know I needed to get through the security check with my luggage full of clothes and personal belongings. Once I arrived at my final stop before I got onto the plane, a sudden fear started to flow within me. What happens if the ticket is fake or doesn't work? What if my uncle isn't real and it's all fake?

I was thinking of all the questions I could ever wonder. Maybe all of this was a mistake or maybe I'm in a dream.

However, I'm awoken from my daydream and told that I'm free to go on the plane. So, the ticket isn't fake, but there's no guarantee that my uncle is real. Maybe I'm not even going to Minnesota. 

Maybe all of this is a dream.


I wake up to the flight attendant telling me the flight has landed. I smile and nod. I get up and grab my bags and start heading off the plane. I head to my next gate and sit down in one of the chairs. I'm fixing to put in earplugs and listen to music, but a figure next to me stops me from doing so.

I look at the figure. He couldn't have been more than 18 or 19. I give a small smile in hopes that he will go away.


Nope, didn't work.

"Hi," I say. Please go away, I think.

"What's your name?" Okay, 20 questions it is.

"Rebekah, you?"


"Cool name," I reply. I take this time to look at him. Brown hair, dull hazel eyes, and... a tattoo? Hm. It's of a small gun with words written under it: Tuer. I have no clue what that means, but I feel as if I've seen it before. Weird.

I have a tattoo myself, but nothing like a gun. It's of a rose, a rose with five single petals in black and white, hidden on my wrist.

"So," This guy loves conversation, "where are you headed?"

Like I'm going to tell you, "Alaska."

"Ah that's awesome, I'm going there too." Did I hear that right? Little liar, I doubt he's headed there. No, I know he's not headed there, this isn't even the right gate!

"Oh, cool," Think of a plan Alice, you got this, "Hey, I have to go to the bathroom, so I'm just gonna..." I point to the bathrooms in the distance.

"Oh, yes, of course, don't let me stop you." I think you would try if there weren't witnesses.

I give a small smile, collect my carry-ons and head to the bathroom. I actually did have to go, but now it's just an escape plan.

Once I'm done, I head out the bathroom but make sure to look out for Peter.

I don't see him, so I make my way over to my gate, which is now boarding, and soon I am allowed to go onto the plane and into first class.

I'm silently begging that I don't see Peter. That guy just gives off a bad vibe. Maybe it's a new cologne? I honestly wouldn't doubt it. It must be a trending one too.

Oh, hey, guess what?

Just guess.

I see Peter.


I sink down into my seat and look out the window with earplugs in my ears, but out of my peripheral vision, I see Peter sitting next to me. You son of a stalker.

I think he might be following me. Soon, I feel a nudge in my arm, so I look away from the window to Peter. "Can I help you?" I ask bluntly.

"Thought you said you were going to Alaska?"

"I thought you were too?" I ask suspiciously.

"Um... change of flight?"

"You have no idea where you're going do you?" This dude has to be following me.

"Not really, just going where ever this plane takes me. Where is it going exactly?"


"Damn. So, I'm not going out of the country?" Something isn't right, I can feel it in my gut.

"No..." I say slowly. Bad vibe. Bad, bad vibe.

"Alright then. Arizona it is." He leans his head on the headrest and closes his eyes. I am definitely not sleeping. The plane ride is supposed to be about 3 hours. Not bad.


3 hours is bad.

This was the most agonizing plane ride ever because I couldn't, no can't, sleep. I was not taking a risk with someone who acts suspiciously. Just being safe.

I immediately head off the plane, but only to be stopped by the stalker himself.

"Hey, Rebekah, where are you headed now?" Personal much?

"Home, oh there's my ride, gotta go Peter. Bye, nice meeting you!" And then I start speed walking over to the person with my name.

"Bye!" I hear Peter yell back. I put my hand up signaling bye.

I head over to the person with my name. A middle-aged man who looks too fancy to be here. "Miss James?"

"Hi," I say out of breath, I had to walk a long way okay, I don't do exercise. "Are you with Mr. Jacobson?"

"I am."

"Good, let's get out of here." And go to live with a person I've never met before, I think to myself.

This is going to be interesting, and possibly deadly. 

Only time will tell.


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