Chapter XXV

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Chapter 25: It's Over.

I smiled as I stood outside with my bags. It was finally over. The drama, the constant hiding from old foes, the hard work, it was all over.

Yes, that's right. Schools finally over. Months of work, over. I finally felt free.

Except for the fact that I had no where to stay, so with that being said, my phone buzzed.

Noah: Hey, you ready?

Me: As ready as I'll ever be.

Noah: Good, I'll see you in a few.

Me: You too.

"So what'd he say?"

I was currently sitting on the front steps of the school with Taylor, Jaxon, Creed, which we had forgiven, and  Hodge. We were all wait for Noah to show up from getting his car.

We were all going to stay at his summer house until college arrives, then we may or may not go our separate ways. It depends on everyone's career path.

10 minutes later, Noah had arrived with his giant GMC truck. It was pure black, shiny, and overall pretty. Jaxon had his red Toyota truck.

We had decided to stuff alot of stuff into my car all the way into the passenger seat. Hodge and Taylor would be riding with Noah. Creed would be riding with Jaxon.

1 hour later, all of our cars were packed and we were ready to make another hour trip away from this school.

It took a lot, but we all graduated in time. We all got our diplomas and let me tell you that it was damn right awkward when they announced my name and I was the only girl. Everyone was shocked, well, the people who didn't know anyways.

They looked at me like I was an alien. To them I mightve been, but you do not have to stare at me whilst I'm walking.

The roads towards Noah's summer house were either gravel or dirt. My poor car was not situated for these types of road. It was for concrete, could you tell I'm a pure city girl?

Anyways, when we had arrived at the house, I could feel my eyes practically bulging out of my sockets. Were we at the right place?

I stepped out of my car, still gawking at the size of the home, and walking towards where all the other guys were staying. They were either smiling or looking like this is where they belonged.

"I sure have missed this place."

"Home sweet home, baby."

"Where's my phone? Come on, man. Taylor, I'm going to kill you."

Taylor timidly gave Noah's phone back to him, merely avoiding the smack intended for his arm.

"Don't touch my phone." Noah mumbled and out him phone back in his pocket while pulling out his keys again, "Okay everyone, let's get our stuff and get settled because I'm tired!"

He grabbed two of his suitcases as walked up to the giant buildings front door.

The house that was apparently his was two stories high with front balconies. The exterior was all brown wood mixed in with some birch. It was clearly beautiful, and I couldn't even imagine what the backyard looked like.

"Are you rich or something?" I asked amazed. I never imagined Noah being rich, not in a rude way of course.

"I have a little inherentance from my grandparents, which specifically skipped my parents and went straight to me." Noah mused. Obviously someone didn't like their parents.

We all walk into the house and I, well I'm still standing in the foyer shocked. "Holy hell this place is beautiful."

They all smiled at me. That obviously means that they like this place too.

An hour later, I have settled myself into my large bedroom. No more sharing! My room is pretty large with giant maroon curtains, a tan carpet, and a black and white bed spread. Did I forget to mention that the bed is a queen size?!

Overall, this house is amazing.

Going downstairs for food, I notice everyone sitting there. "Hello, my friends. Where for art thou food?"

They all turned their heads towards me and I just stared. "You always have to say something wierd don't you?"

"Hi, have you met me, Jax?"

He sighed, "I sadly have."

I just laughed and turned toward the fridge. After looking through all the food, I turned around and glared at Noah.

He looked confused when he saw my face, "What?"

"Where's the sweet food? All you gave is either salad, or some healthy crap! Where's the carbonation, ice cream, anything with sugar?!"

He walked past me and to the fridge and brought out a drink, "See, this has sugar."

I grabbed the drink and looked towards the place where you see all the nutrients or ingredients. After looking, I looked up in disbelief, and answered in a calm voice, "This has two grams of sugar, Noah."

"That's still sugar."

"You're insufferable."

He just smiled and looked away sassily, "Ah, I know."

I yawned and handed the drink back to him, "Whatever, I'm going to bed and dreaming about sugar."

Making my way back up the stairs I heard a series of 'good night's'. Laughing, I just mumbled, "This is going to be one hell of a ride."


This is the last chapter before the epilogue! I'm sorry, I know that this book wasn't as...productive as it should've been, but this is only my first REAL book I've ever written.

I just hope you enjoyed a little bit.

I love you all and appreciate 500 people reading this story.

Oof, i appreciate the 15k reads ♡♡♡♡


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