!Bonus Chapter!

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2 years later.

"Thank you, ma'am, and we will contact you if we have any more information."

The nice lady just smiled and walked out of the building. The poor old woman's husband died for some unknown reason. My reasoning was a spontaneous blood clot or heart attack. Somewhere around there.

I grabbed my clipboard and went to the back to clock out. "I'll see you tomorrow, Tony!" I yelled before exiting out the back door and rounding to the front. My car wasn't too far away, and it was only 11 o'clock. I do this every night so I have no worries.

After reaching my car, I searched through my bag for my keys. Once I found them, I yelped and turned around after I heard someone speak from right behind me.

I gasped as I saw who it was. It couldn't be, it wouldn't be. "N-noah?" I breathed out, still confused.

"The one and only. Though I have seen some look alikes."

There he stood infront if me. Dark brown hair, beautiful eyes, tall frame and looking more mature. "What are you doing here? Let alone this state!"

"I have a surprise for you." He went over to the passenger side of the car and looked at me, "The car is not going to open it's self now is it?"

I shook my head and unlocked my car. "How did you find me?" I put the key in the ignition and started the car.

"I have smart friends, okay now follow my directions." I was fixing to protest, but he quickly cut me off, "Out of the parking lot, take a left and then a right onto the interstate."

I sat confused for a moment before listening to his directions.

After an hour later of driving, I came to a house. "Noah, what are we doing here?" I looked to him after parking in the drive way.

He smiled before getting out of the car. "You'll see."

I followed him up to the porch. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. "Is this your house?" I spoke quietly.

"Something of the sorts." My eyes widened. Were we breaking and entering. Had my best friend become a criminal over the years?! "I'm not a criminal don't worry."

I quickly cut my train of thought after saying that last statement.

"Okay seriously, what are we doing here?" We walked through the house to what seemed like a kitchen. Cups lined the counter and multiple drinks with food. What the hell?

He turned on the lights and my vision blurred, obviously due to the bright lights. I looked to him when he spoke.

"Look behind you," I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around.

When I did, I gasped and covered my mouth. Oh. My. Gosh. "Welcome to your new home." He whispered next to me.

There stood infront of me were my friends. Jaxon, Creed, Taylor and Hodge. They all stood there.


"Well, who said we had to stay separated and work. Nope, we all found ways to buy a house, keep our jobs and find you." Jaxon stated while motioning to the house. Did they really buy a house for all of us?

"But why? How?"

"We wanted to, it's hard to stay away from each other after being friends for five yeas," Noah walked to the others and stood with them.

"We told you we loved you as family." Taylor stated.

"We said we wouldn't forget eachother." Hodge stated.

"And we said we would never stay apart for too long if for was possible." Noah then stated.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

I had my friends back. I had my family back.

I had the most important things in my life back.

It was all right.

Spontaneous? Yes. But would it be worth it.

Hell yes.

"Now, let's get this party started!"


Not being emotional right now....totally not.

Oh my gosh! I actually finished a ligetiment book! It wasn't the best, but for me it's amazing. Thank you all and I hoped you enjoyed.

I may revise the entire book and fix it but for now;

Started: April 21, 2017.
Finished: August 28th, 2017. 7:03 pm.



P.S (6/23/18) This book is honestly not too good, but nevertheless, I love the fact that you read this.

I appreciate the votes and comments and reads, even to this day!

I love you all and I finished editing it. Sorry for any extra mistakes

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