Chapter XI

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Chapter 11: What? How? Why?

"You want to hide me? Me? As in Alice me?" I ask Jaxon clueless.

"You're the only Alice around here, so I would guess so."

"Ugh! Maybe I don't want to be hidden?" I retorted while standing up from the comfortable couch.

Jaxon walked up to me to size me up, with everyone else watching, "So you want to be in the line of fire? More than you already are?" He says with a sick smirk.

"They aren't something I can't handle." I felt anger rising up inside me.

"How do you know that?"

"Jaxon, stop." I heard Noah plead, but neither of us paid attention.

"Maybe you want to get your ass kicked and be involved in more shit?" Jaxon continues, obviously trying to make me punch him. He also takes another step towards me if that was even possible.

"I- you-... UGH!" I say while storming out of the living room and going out the door. I hear Noah try and call me back, but I don't pay attention to him.

I speed walk down the hallways and I hear footsteps behind me. Of course someone is following me.

I halt to a stop and immediately turn around, almost having the follower run into me. He steadies himself and I notice that its Hodge.

"Woah," he says after he steadies himself, "You okay?"

I cross my arms and glare at him, "Do I look okay?"

"Uh... no?" He says, scratching the back of his neck, "Anyway, I came here to tell you that Mr. Jacobson says there's someone here to see you."

Me? Who would want to see me? Who else do I know? I had no friends, no family friends... and well, no family.

"Um, alright," I say while turning around and heading to my uncles office.

I hear his footsteps beside me and Hodge is now matching my pace, "He wanted me to go with you. Or someone to go with you."

I sigh in exasperation, "Let's go then."





"Peter?" I ask incredulously.

"Ah, Alice, just the person I wanted to see."

What? How? And most importantly;


"Why are you here? How did you know I was here?"

"Eh, you looked a little familiar."

I looked familiar?

Now that's bullshit if I've ever seen or heard it.

Right now, I'm sitting in my uncles office, with Peter, Hodge, myself, and my uncle. What the hell is going on?

"I do? Maybe that's because I saw you about a week or so ago?"

That's right, it's been a more than a week since I've been here. Creed hasn't done anything but glare at me and smirk. Same with Brock's brigade. And now Peter? That does remind me... Peter and Creed have the same tattoo.

At least I think they do.

I'll worry about that later.

"I've seen you before that, you just don't remember."

"What do you--"

"Never mind that, I really came here because I wanted to give something to you. I think it's time you have it." He hands me a little box, it's very light, and it has a note on top, "Open it when you're alone."

"Wh-." I was cut off again. Rude.

"Well," he says while getting up, "I must be going, it was nice seeing you again."

I stare at him in disbelief and then to the box.

I hear the sound of the door opening then closing, and I'm left standing with a box in my hands.

Do I open it?


Two chapters on one day! I'm awesome *not really*

Do you think she should open the box?





<3 Love

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