Testing The Billionaire

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Yes! I'm back again to bother you all with another book I'm promoting! As you can see, it's called Testing The Billionaire.

Yk, it's really good. You should check it out. But to see if you really wanna read it, here's a sneak peak:

Testing The Billionaire

Testing The Billionaire

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Kane Barone.

The United States most fought over bachelor, a effortless contributer to society, and most importantly, a billionaire. He breaths power and arrogance, with no touch of empathy. It was almost as if he was untouchable on the outside. However, he was not untouchable on the inside.

Scarlett Erikson.

Upcoming psychologist Scarlett is hired to interview Kane about his behavior and life. Hired by who? He doesn't know, but she does. However, will her put away past get in her way?

She's willing to do whatever it takes to complete her study, and he's not going to get in her way.


Mayyybe?? Hm? Give it a try.

It'll be EXTREMELY different than my other books. It'll be a typical, billionaire/lover drama type situation. Isn't that what wattpads all about?

Thank you,
Chxrryrose :)

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