Chapter XVII

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Chapter 17: Finding Out More Secrets.

Have you ever had to make a choice? A choice so hard that you could ruin friendships with it? But you could also gain satisfaction from it? Well this is currently my situation.

It took me two weeks, but I finally finished my investigation and I mentally slapped my self for my stupidity.

It was so clear! All the motions, weird glances and threats. More people coming into my life and the clues that led me to my answer. It was always right in front of my face.

It was only a matter of time until some one slipped up. And that happened to be the one and only Creed. Let me tell you what I found out.

1.) They were friends.
2.) They both had the same threats.
3.) They had the same tattoos.
4.) They were friends.

Did I forget to mention they were friends?

Finding out these things has led me to staring at my wall in disbelief. It all fits together.

Creed was never friends with Jaxon, Noah, Hodge, or Taylor. He was mainly a conspirator.

I did a little research and found out the word 'tuer' meant kill. A gun and the letters kill could never lead to anything good.

I did a little more research combining those two things, and found out that they were a high power gang. But not the highest. The highest gang was Havoc. I didn't know who they were and I really didn't want to find out.

I was drawing the pictures of the gang symbols in my art book. I was also sitting in the living room, staring at the wall, trying to comprehend all this information.

I never knew walls could be so interesting. I found a couple small holes and specks of dirt. Interesting. It was so interesting that I didn't hear someone come in the living room.

"Boo." A voice came behind me. I didn't know someone would be there so I did what any reasonable person would do.

I screamed and fell off the couch.

The figure who scared me came into view and I saw Hodge, he was laughing.

"Seriously, dude?" I said throwing my hands up. I was still laying on my back staring at the ceiling.

"Seriously, dude," He copied me.

Hodge stopped laughing once he found my art book on the couch. He went to pick it up and I tried to act fast. I tried to grab the book but he got it first, so I jumped up and jumped onto his back. He dropped the book, but quickly got it back.

Hwas still staring at the art book in one hand and holding me on his back with another.

"Alice, where'd you find this stuff?" He looked up to me for an answer. So, I climbed down his back and sighed.

"Can you call the guys in here? Except for...Creed?" I asked shyly. I'm fixing to ruin a relationship, okay?

"He's not here, but sure, I guess..." He looks at me weirdly before calling all the guys into the living room.

"What's up?" Jaxon asks once everyone is here.

"Okay well, you might want to sit down for this one."

They all look at me suspiciously before obliging.

I take a deep breath and get ready to explain, "Okay so about two weeks ago I couldn't sleep so I went to the kitchen to get something to drink. When I went into the kitchen, Creed was there looking at his wrist which had a tattoo on it. The other day when Brock knocked down all my books and he was walking away, I caught sight of the same tattoo. And when I was coming to this place for the first time, Peter, the new kid, had the same tattoo. And they've all been acting suspiciously and I've finally figured out what everything means," I exhale the largest breathe possible and take deep breaths because I spoke very fast.

They all look at me shell-shocked before Taylor decided to answer, "And...what was" He said slowly.

I sighed and grabbed my art notebook. I held up my drawing and watch all their mouths drop open.

"Y-you saw this?" Noah said while pointing at the paper, "On them? All three of them?" I nodded and he looked like he'd just solved the biggest mystery on earth. "So what do you mean by 'You've figured everything out?'"

I inhale once again so I can start my explanation, "Well uh, let's just say that Creed had threatened me more than once before and I've done my research and fit the piece into the puzzle and learned that he's a spy for something. And I think it has to do with you guys."

Then I added, "I could be wrong though, just saying."

They all had their mouths wide open and eyes the size of saucers. They muttered profanities under their breaths until Jaxon spoke, "What did you find out about this then? What have you learned I mean?" He said carefully.

"Well- I uh...found out that they were the second largest and powerful gang in the country and the highest one was Havoc. Whoever they were."

They all sighed together and pulled up their right sleeves, revealing a sideways tattoo on their biceps. I looked carefully at Noah's and thre others, then gasped. "H-havoc?" I looked up to him and he nodded, "You guys a-are Havoc?"

They all nodded.

I don't really know what happened after that, because the last thing I saw was darkness.

Meaning that I passed out.


Short chapter I know but this was mainly a filler and such.

Hope you liked! :)





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