Chapter XXVI

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(Four Years Later)

"GUYS HURRY UP!!" I screamed for the fifth time in one hour. I went into the hallway and banged on the other door, "You guys hurry up too!!"

"Were trying, woman!"

"You try packing in the time span of an hour!"

I groaned and rubbed my temples, "That's why I packed last night." I went back into my dorm and flopped down onto the couch. I can't believe I have to wait on five people to hurry up and finish packing. Normally I would take longer, but I knew better than to pack the day we were leaving.

If you're confused, don't worry. Four years ago, all of us, Jaxon, creed, Noah, Hodge, Taylor and I, all got our acceptance letters. We all applied to the same college, and we surprisingly all got in.

Noah, being the sort of rich guy, got in a dorm that houses six people. The exact number so that all of us could stay together. I, frankly, had no problem with it, I wanted all of us to stay together, stay as friends.

And now, we were moving out of college. We were leaving, and going our separate paths. We promised each other to at least stay in contact after a while, to make sure that the friendship never dies.

I for one, do know that I'm going to follow my career path, I'm going to become a forensic nurse. I'll have to years of classes and training, but in the end it will be worth it.

Jaxon had decided to become a police officer, he always liked the idea of helping people and being a hero to others.

Creed wanted to become a psychiatric therapist. He said that he wanted to help people who went through the same thing he had once gone through.

Taylor had some how managed to go to Texas and become a professional footballer in training.

Keyword: somehow.

Hodge managed to become a teacher for art. He never really mentioned his love for art, that we until he mentioned it was Art History, not art.

Noah though...well he's moving away. He's going to California to his grandparents house to take over their business his father neglected. I was never one to admit something I didn't like, but this was something I didn't like. Over the years we had grown extremely close.

As in relationship close.

I know right. Romance didn't spark too much throughout the high school years, yet here it did. I guess all the late night studies and alone time helped. And not! in the dirty way.

Me however, I'm going back to my hometown. I'm going back to see my brothers, find a job, pursue my dream of going into the forensics section and living out my life.

Long distance relationships were something I didn't want to do and neither did Noah. We thought it would be best to end it all, but remember eachother no matter what.

No matter if we both find someone else. No matter if one of us moved to a different state, country or continent. No matter what, we would always remember eachother.

Through my past, I stayed strong. With living with five guys for five years, I still stayed strong. But here was the point in my life where it would slowly crumble. All of it

"Okay..." I heard someone sigh behind me. I got up and turned around. I was sad to find five boys with packed suitcases and boxes. "We should probably head down."

I nodded sadly and we all got our stuff downstairs and into the parking lot. The skies were a cloudy grey and there were a few rain droplets. All of our cars were parked side by side. Ready to be driven to our destinations.

"I guess this is where we say our goodbyes." I wiped the tear that escaped my eye, but not to long after I was enveloped into a hug. Everyone was hugging me and I couldn't be more happy.

I truly love these guys with all my heart. But life is life, and we can't escape that.

The hug lasted a few moments longer before the warmth went away. I hugged each of them individually and said my goodbyes.

"I love you guys."

They all smiled and returned the statement before driving off.

Not to long after, there was only one left. "Do me a favor, Noah?" I crossed my arms and looked to the sky.

"Sure, anything."

I looked back down and stared him straight into his eyes, "Don't you dare ever forget me. Ever."

He smiled and I returned it, "How could I ever?"

We hugged one last time before staying goodbye.

"Goodbye, Alice James."

"Goodbye, Noah Matthews."

I got into my car and started backing out and then went onto the road. Away from my family that I had come to love.

Before I knew it, tears were coming down my cheeks as I drive onto the interstate. I couldn't believe it. I was going home. I didn't want to, but at the same time I did.

I guess this was how it was supposed to be.

And it all started with me being undercover at an all boys school.

With a exception.


Well! What can I say, I went off the plot line, screwed up character plots and probably made many grammatical errors. AND I STILL MADE IT TO 1.05K READS.


I want to thank anyone and everyone for clicking on this book, voting and commenting. I have neglected finishing this book, but I might make a bonus chapter to finish it off. Who knows!


I love you all!



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