Chapter XXIII

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Chapter 23: Do Nothing For A Couple Years.

I watched as Creed walked back into the school, probably leaving it.

Did he really just save us all?

"That was. . ." Noah starts but trails off.

"Awesome," I finish for him. They all look to me in confusion, "I mean maybe he can have some good. Maybe he's just. . .misunderstood?" I ask.

"I mean, I guess so? He's never really talked about his family and when he has, it's never been a good topic." Jaxon clarifies.

Can Creed just be misunderstood? I know some topics of parents are touchy for people, but I never would've imagined Creed.

Then again, some bad people take after others.

And maybe he can have some good in his heart, but he just doesn't like to show it.

There's people like him, in need of help and desperate for friends, and some things can make a drastic turn.

Such as helping a rival or threatening someone. Yeah that wasn't fun, but to say the less, I think we should give him a chance.

A chance to change at his own will.

A chance to show the real him.

A chance to save himself.

I sigh and climb down the tree I was currently sitting on. I stumble a bit, but managed to regain my balance.

"You know, I think that we should just go back inside and do nothing for a couple of years! How's that sound?" I say towards everyone.

"That sounds awesome! Let's go!" Taylor exclaims then runs to the double doors leading inside the school.

I laugh and shake my head, he's just like a little kid.

Exactly for the rest of the day, no one did anything. We all were sat in the living room either playing a video game or we were passed out from exhaustion.

Just like nothing had happened.

Not to name names, but...Noah and Jaxon....we're the ones passed out on the couch.

Noah's head was in my lap and Jaxon was sprawled out onto the floor. I think everyone in here were like little kids.

I look around the room and look at the clock, 5:30pm and I'm already tired. I sigh and place my head on the arm rest on the couch.

And in just a few minutes, I was out like a light.

I shuffled awake from my sleep and I realized everyone in the living room was asleep. My head was still positioned on the head rest with Noahs head still on my lap. Jaxon was now sitting on the recliner.

Taylor and Hodge were cuddling together on the love seat together looking like a couple.

Oh yeah, I'm going to ship them now.

When I'm fixing to go back to sleep, my phone beeps. I look up and find a message on my phone by an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, I heard what happened today. Is everyone okay?

Unknown: Oh, this is also Michael.

Oh okay so this was my long lost brothers that I had currently met for the first time in many years.

How'd he get my number though?

Me: Hey, we're all fine, but how'd you get my number?

Michael: Sources.

Michael: Also glad to hear that everyone is okay, you should go get some rest. I'll call you in the morning.

Me: Okay? Ttyl.

Michael: Haha bye.

I groaned and stuffed my face into the small pillow under my arm.

Sources? Ha! I bet more like gang sources.

I laugh to myself and let myself drift into a comfortable sleep.


Sorry I know this is short but this is also a filler.

I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry I've been away. I was sick and I had to deal with some stuff.





<3 Love

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