Chapter XIX

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Chapter 19: And I Liked It.







I jolted awake, drenched in my own sweat. It took me a second to realize  that I was crying and it was all a dream.

It seems like every dream I have about the fire, more pieces of the memory open up. Piece by piece, my dream reveals more. I can't explain it.

I look all around me and noticed that I was cradled by Noah. He was holding me while I was crying and I suddenly felt grateful to finally have someone by my side.

It's been years since I've been comforted by someone other than myself.

For years after my brothers supposed 'death', my parents blamed me for their death saying that, "If you would've had enough sense, you could've gotten out yourself!" And other crap like that. I was seven years old, I didn't have enough knowledge to comprehend what was happening.

Including with blaming me for everything, they used to ignore me. That's why I know so much about self maintenance and hygiene. I had to fend for myself while my parents forgot they even had a daughter.

I eventually ended up learning how to be alone and sometimes it was comforting, but sometimes it wasn't. When I was in middle school, I had friends, but they traded me in for a new student. Like they did with all the other new students. I was just too oblivious to realize.

I thought it was apart of life.

"Hey hey, calm down. You okay?" Noah spoke after a while. He pulled back and looked at me. I nodded a little before laying back down.

He was fixing to get up and back to his bed, but my hand on his made him freeze. "What are you doing?" He asked, turning around to look at me.

"C-can you stay with me tonight?" I ask shyly. I suddenly found my comforter interesting.

I heard him chuckle before he crawled over me to where he was behind me.

He wrapped him arms around my waist, bringing me to his chest, instantly giving me warmth.

Soon after I fell asleep happy. Happier than I had been in a long time.


I woke up hours later to the sound of rain. It was Saturday and I could stay in bed all day and do nothing. Every teenagers dream. Unless you like to socialize, then you're just weird.

I found arms around my waist and finally managed to turn around. I was soon faced with Noahs. He looked so peaceful while sleeping, so calm and so happy.

When his eyes fluttered opened, I realized I was tracing his facial features. I eventually removed my hand and placed it by my side. We were staring at each other for what seemed like hours before he spoke.

"Screw it."

I looked at him confused, but he probably didn't see it because he crashed his lips into mine.

Fireworks and sparks were shooting everywhere in my stomach. I felt like I actually belonged somewhere.

This felt so right and I felt no wrongs.

We were still sideways on my bed. He eventually moved so I was under him and he was on top.

Our lips moved in perfect sync and we kissed for what also seemed like hours. Everything felt amazing and I felt like I could do this for hours.

But eventually it had to stop.

I broke the kiss and we looked at each other.

"You okay?" He furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

"Yeah, I just think we need to stop before..." I trailed off looked at the wall behind him.

I felt his fingers under my chin and he gently lifted it up. "It's okay, promise."

No matter what he said, I was still going to be sorry.

He moved off of me and went to stand up. He looked back at me and smiled. I groaned when I realized I was looking him over.

I fell back onto my bed and closed my eyes.

I felt lips on mine 5 minutes later and opened my eyes to meet Noah's. He smiled and I chuckled.

He walked over to the door and walked out. I put my fingers onto my lips and smiled like a maniac.

Holy Crap.

I just kissed someone for the first time.

At least I liked it.


Eventually, I decided that it would be good if I got up.

I went to my closet and grabbed out a teel tank top and black ripped jeans with combat boots. And of course, my famous Invader Zim snap back.

I walked into the kitchen once I was dressed and I saw all the guys there, but no Creed.

Please tell me I didn't do anything bad.

"Hey, guys." I said slowly.

They all looked up at me and smiled. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why are they smiling?

Shouldn't they be yelling at me or scolding me?

"Why are you all smiling?"

"We're going out today," Replied Noah. His smile was wide and I could tell he was happy.

I went to the cabinet and pulled out some cereal and a bowl, "And why are we so happy about that?"

"It's almost Christmas and we need to get some things." Jaxon said happily.

I dropped my spoon on the counter top and cursed under my breath. I ran into my room and dug into everything.

Jaxon came into the room and stood by the doorway. "What are you looking for?"

I dropped my bag and sat on the floor facing him, "I can't find my money anywherrrr... FOUND IT!" I exclaimed and crawled on the floor to under my closet. Under there was my valueable stuff, money, emergency phone, etc.

Jaxon laughed and pushed himself from the door frame, "Hurry up speedy. We're leaving in 5 minutes."

"Okay!" I finally grabbed my bag and grabbed the money. When I pulled the money out, something dropped. I looked at it and sighed.

I shoved it under my bed and walked out.

I don't need a constant replay.


Sorry that these chapters are taking a little while, I've been really busy so forgive me!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.♡





<3 Love.

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