Chapter IX

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Chapter 9: Busted

My head feels like it's going to explode. I feel like I'm going to die any second now. That is until I see a bright light above me. I gently try to open my eyes, but fail, causing me to groan.

"Hey guys, he- I mean she's awake!" I hear someone shout.

"Ow." The figures shadow looms over me and mumbles a 'sorry'.

I hear loud footsteps coming to wherever I am, and now I can open my eyes, "Oh hey," I say with a smile, but it's short-lived.

Noah is right next to me with all the guys -minus Creed- by his side. I gently try to sit up, but my neck hurts bad. What happened?

Oh yeah.


No air


How could I ever forget?

"Just take it easy, Alice," Noah says gently.

I finally am able to sit up and I realize that I'm in the living room. "What happened? Well, I know what happened, I was there, but I mean after."

"Well," Taylor speaks up, "Noah called us after what happened, we brought you here, and he told us what happened. Those assholes are going to pay." He finishes with putting his fist in his other palm.

Laughing gently, I hug Noah and mumble a 'thanks', "Anytime, sweetheart." He says back and I roll my eyes.

"So, you guys aren't mad? Or anything close to mad? I don't even know if you guys should be mad.

"Are we supposed to be mad that you're a girl? No. Surprised? Yes, but it's alright," Hodge says.

"So... Uh, Alice?" Jaxon asks gently after a while of silence.


"Does Brock know you're a... you know- girl?"

I sighed, "Probably, but there's nothing I can do about it now."

"Well I mean we could always..."

"Taylor, we're not killing them."

Taylor groans and mumbles, "Fun killer." He then walks off, probably to his room, taking his unintended pun with him.

"What time is it?" I say quietly.

Noah looks at his watch, "9:45."

"At night?"

"Yep." He says while popping the 'p'.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go to bed again." I say whilst slowly getting up.

"Here let me help you," Noah offers.

I mumble a thanks, while going to my room. "Hold on." I stop walking once I reach the bathroom door.

"Okay." He replies.

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