Proving Me Innocent

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Hello, everyone!!

It's me, your favorite author, of course. 

I'm here to tell you that I have a new book! Its called Proving Me Innocent, below is the information about it :)

Proving Me Innocent

It's a new year, and a new year normally means a fresh beginning, especially for school. However, when 18 year old Lilith, who goes by Lili, gets thrown into a whole mess of trouble, nothing she expected at the beginning of school, there's quite literally only one person who can get her out of trouble.

And that's where Dylan comes in. Dylan is the 18 year old highschool quarter-back and lawyer's son, so naturally he swims in money and popularity. But can he put his popularity behind him to help the girl who hides in the shadows, but is now in the open and a murderer?

Cringey, I know. Anyway, if you would like to check it out, feel free to head to my profile where you'll find it there :)

I'm trying to make a trilogy, the books are stand-alone, don't worry. 

Either way, Hope you check it out, and have a great day/night! 


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