Chapter XV

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Chapter 15: The Start Of A War

The feeling of being sick is absolutely horrid. You feel groggy and like you're dying, except you're not. All your senses are lowered and you're vulnerable. That's exactly what happened to me.

I woke up sick and the guys had to go to class. The ones who didn't have a class stayed with me. And guess who didn't have the first class?

You got that right!


I tried convincing the guys that I was fine and I could take care of myself, but that obviously didn't work as I was now left alone with Creed. If only they knew, then maybe they would leave me be. But nope! I just had to be under surveillance.

I was laying in my bed scrolling through Instagram when I heard a cough. And no it wasn't me, this time.

I looked up and saw the devil. Okay, not literally, but you get it.

"Creed," I said and then looked back down at my phone, "What did I do so that you could grace me with your presence."

"You just have to be sarcastic, don't you?" He said in a bored tone. Yeah, Creed, I think we're all bored.

"Alice Sarcastic James at your service," I replied in the same bored tone.

He scoffed and leaned against the door frame, yeah make yourself comfortable. "Just so you know, I don't want to be here 'watching' you."

I dropped my phone on my lap and stared into his eyes, "And I don't want you watching me. I know what you're capable of and quite frankly, I don't like being alone with you," I replied. Yes, I was being intentionally snarky and provoking a bear.

"Well, I see that you can be left alone as your face will scare away the scariest of murderers," I glared at him, "So, I will leave you to your own devices."

Haha! Wait what? "The guys will be ticked that you left. You really want to do that?" I was trying to get under his skin and make him leave.

I'm not trying to ruin his friendship with the guys, but Creed has a really good masking face and I'm not surprised that they haven't suspected anything.

And I couldn't tell them that their friend was a threat to me and was currently threatening me. They would never believe me.

"Alice, Alice, Alice," He tsk'd, "You really think I'm not capable of making lies?" He put his hand over his heart and made a hurt face, "I can't belive that."

I looked at him like he was a psychopath, oh wait, he is. He laughed, pushed himself away from the doorframe and kept walking until I heard the front door close.

I really was vulnerable now. I looked up at the window to the left of my head and made sure it was locked. It was thankfully, but I didn't know if the front door was. I groaned and made my way to the door, but right as I was reaching it, it opened.

I stared up at the figures who entered and saw Jaxon and Taylor. Who looked genuinely surprised and confused at the same time.

"Why are you up?"

"Why wasn't the door locked?"

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