Chapter XXIV

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Chapter 24: You Again?

Not Edited
*Update: It's now edited:)

"Guys, I'm just saying, I-I didn't mean anything...they just--"

I heard someone sigh heavily, "We know, okay? It's fine, just drop it."


But I was already in the living room heading out the front door, "Where are you going?!" I heard someone yell behind me.

"I don't know! Somewhere!" I yelled behind me, nosey people.

I can tell that you might be a little confused.

While I was sleeping this morning, Creed showed up at the front door.  I was pretty certain that he was apologizing and begging for forgiveness, he was also saying that he had to do it for some reason? I don't know.

During his conversation with all the guys, I decided to get ready and head out of the dorm, I didn't know where I was going, but it didn't matter. I wanted to get away from them for at least a couple of hours.

"Alice, wait!"

I internally groaned, stopped in my tracks, and then turned around to meet Noah, "Yes?" I sighed and put my hands on my hips.

He didn't say anything. He continued to stare at me and then spontaneously walked forward and kissed me.

Before I could respond, he pulled away and responded to my earlier question, "Don't be out too late," He then walked back to the dorm room and went inside, shutting the door behind him.

With my keys, wallet and phone still in hand, I was frozen in face. Did he just...? He did.

Is this going to be a regular thing?

If so...I really don't mind honestly. I think I do like him, but I've just never been one to open up to someone. If he thinks he's doing just that, then he's going to have to try harder.


Have I ever mentioned how much I hate shopping? No? Well I hate shopping. Who wants to be crowded in a store with a bunch of maniac people?

A week ago it was Christmas. I gave all the guys their stuff and they loved it. I even got a few stuff from them as well.

Nothing special just a few--

"Well we meet again I see."

I freeze. Oh, fudge cakes, I know that voice.

I slowly turned around and met Brock. I mentally cursed myself and took a few steps back when he takes a few forward.

"What are you doing here?" I snarl at him. Is he deciding to follow me now? "I never knew that you could go as low as to stalk me now."

If you could see his face right now, he would look like an exact replica of a tomato.

"No I'm not following you. You think I could stoop that low?" He replies. Is he trying to get back at me? Ha! Idiot.

"Actually yes I do, so nice seeing you again, I'm going home." I trudged around with my items and head towards the front.

"You have no home you know!" He calls out after me. I may not have a home, but I can always figure something out.

Checking out, I headed outside the store, almost making it to my car. Okay I might've 'borrowed' Jaxons car.

"Yeah?! What's it to you?!" I yelled back at him, still heading towards the car.

"You could always stay with me," I froze. Did he just. . .?

I can't take this anymore. I left my basket, stormed over to him, and punched him straight in the face.

He fell to the ground, holding his nose. I could obviously see blood coming out of it, but It didn't bother me. Instead, I walked over to him, grabbed his shirt collar, and whispered something by his ear, "Never again, jackass."

With that, I loaded the car up, got in, and sped away.


"Woah, what'd you do to your hand?" Taylor asked once I was back at the dorm.

Instead of answering, I headed straight towards the kitchen sink and washed my hand, "Nothing you need to worry about."

After drying my hand, I headed towards my room, shut the door, and fell asleep.

I'm not dealing with this today, even if it is the middle of the day.

There's always tomorrow.


I'm sorry, I know it's been a while. I've been busy with school, life, etc. You know?

Anyways, I know that this chapter is short and I want to thank you for 400 reads!!!

*And now 15k♡*

Love you all♡


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