Chapter XIV

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Chapter 14: We Meet Again

For the rest of the day, Dylan and Michael stayed. I told them about how my mother and father died and how I was sent to live here. They also told me about why they ran away when the fire happened. I really didn't want to believe it. 

How could he?

Now I just feel like my while life is a lie. And to make it worse;

I never knew.

And I never suspected anything


"So, Alice," Dylan said reluctantly, "Do you want to know why we ran away?"

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I not want to know?"

"Well," Michael said this time, "It...has something to do with uh"

"Wait what? What the hell do you mean 'it has something to do with dad?'" I said, getting slightly angry.

"Um, ugh I really don't want to tell you this but... he might've, you know, abused us a little," Dylan mumbled the last part.

"HE WHAT?!" I screamed, jumping up from my seat.

Dylan got up and made his way towards me, "Alice, please don't get worked up about this. We left because we thought it would be safest for you." He said while placing his hands on my shoulders.

I held my head between my hands and stared down at the floor. My dad abused them? How could he? And why would he? My brothers were the most responsible kids anyone could ask for.


End of Flashback

After I heard about what my dad did to my brothers; I wanted to be alone. I wasn't aloud to be outside the dorm by myself, but I really didn't care. I sneaked past the four sleeping guys in the living room and crept out the door. And yes, Creed hasn't been back all day, I have no clue where he is.

Everyone, except me, has tried contacting him and no one had a response. I seriously did not care.

My brothers went home an hour ago. They apparently went back to the 'Gang house'. I wish I could see them for longer, but I just needed to be alone.

I was walking through the semi dark hallways, considering it was night and the hallways had windows which showed a little moonlight. I didn't see anyone and I was great full for that, but I just had a bad feeling in my stomach. I couldn't place what I was feeling but I knew it wasn't good.

15 minutes later, I was sitting on a hallway bench looking outside, and I just got up to walk back to the dorm, when I heard a familiar voice.

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