Chapter III

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REVISED - 4/28/20

《Picture of the guys》

Chapter 3: Is It Too Late to Turn Back?

During the hour car ride, I listened to my music. My music soothed me to no end sometimes. The music fit to my emotions. After the hour was over, however, I gawked at the school that came into my sight. It's a large building consisting of stone, brick, and two gargoyles. The building was huge, I wonder how many people live here?

Before I left to catch my flight, I stopped at the store on the way home and picked up a wig. Yes! It sounds stupid, but one would ever suspect a thing. I plan to conceal my identity. Yes, I know it seems crazy, but a single girl in a school full of boys? I would rather not, it's just for safety. 

I thanked the driver and gave him an extra tip. He smiled and held an umbrella over me as I gathered my things. It had started to rain on the way here. Once everything was under the large, porched entrance to the school, I huffed out a deep breath. Is it too late to turn back?

I finally gathered up my long lost courage and opened the obnoxiously large door. I entered a large corridor and one again gawked at the beauty. Everything is so expensive and shiny, and staircases are littered everywhere. They probably lead to scattered corridors and hallways. 

I stood by myself before I saw a man wearing an expensive suit and haircut and very tall walking towards me. "Ah! You must be Alice!" He says excitedly. He looks like he hasn't seen a girl in 50 years, probably because he runs an entire school that is only for boys.

I smile, "Yes, that's me."

He smiles largely and consumes me in a giant bear hug, "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry about your parents, and well... my brother," He says apologetically.

"It's alright," I lie and then he gestures me towards his office.

"How was your flight here? Was everything okay?" Mr. Jacobson, I mean my 'uncle' asks. I say 'uncle' because even though he's my dad's brother, I've never met him.

"It was okay, had a few minor problems, but nothing I couldn't resolve." He smiles and nods.

"That's good then," He says as we enter his office.

"How big is this place?" I say and sit down in one of his leather chairs.

"Hm, 150,000 square feet or so, and before you ask, this building is about 300 years old. Condemned many times, but it's been modernized and refurbished plenty."


"Sit, sit. Oh, I see you're already sitting." He smiles, then sits in his chair behind the desk. 

I wanted to break my plan to my Uncle right from the start, "Before anything is said, I plan on becoming a guy. A disguise if you will. For the time being, for the rest of the semester, I don't know." 

He seems a little shocked at first but soon recoils, "And that's alright, we all have our preferences, and this is yours!"

I chuckle, "I guess so."

"Is there any other name you would like to go by while you're here? A guy name perhaps? That's your choice."

I never really thought about having a fake name while I was here. So, on the spot, I thought of Alex. "I'll choose Alex, it's a unisex name and not too different." He smiled at it and went back to other matters. 

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