Chapter XX

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Chapter 20: Oh Shit.

After many fights of who would sit where in the car, we decided. Jaxon drove, I sat in passenger, Noah and Hodge in the middle row and Taylor in the back. This was Jaxons car and it was huge.

"So guys and girl, who's going for what?" Jaxon asked, his eyes never leaving the road.

Everyone responded and I ended up zoning out until someone snapped their fingers in my ear. I looked behind me and noticed Noah with a cheeky grin. I blushed a little and turned back around.

"What are you going to get, Alice?" Taylor asked from the very back.

I thought about it for a moment before answering, "None of your business. I can't tell anyone."

They all groaned.

"I hate waiting."

"You're up to no good."

"Tell us, please!"

"Ohh! Are you getting Christmas presents?!"

I laughed and went to get out of the large car. They all groaned again before following me.

We entered the gigantic store and I stared in awe. Hundreds of Christmas lights and decorations hung in the store. Many people pass by us in either happy moods or determined ones.

I smile and realize that I should probably get going on my Christmas shopping. And I know the perfect gift.

I began walking, but was stopped by an hand on my shoulder. I turn around and look at the person.

Of course it's Noah.

I stare at him while waiting for him to say something, "Oh sorry... um, we're gonna meet by the entrance of the store in 45 minutes okay?"

I smile, "Perfect." He smiles back and walks off opposite of where I need to go. This gives me enough time to get the presents. Or should I say revenge.


"How long does it take to find a simple 'revenge' gift?!" I say lowly to myself.

I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to find something to accommodate to my gift. But with no luck, and gave up and decided that the Internet would be good.

I was walking to the cash register when I passed something. "Ooh." I walked backwards and was met with the perfect gift. I might have some tweaking to do, but none the less it's perfect. I grab 4 bags, boxes, whatever the name is and head to the cash register.

"Finally," I mutter.

I enter cash register 5 when I suddenly stopped and froze.

"What. The. Hell." I said.

The person in front of me turned around and froze, their eyes widening.

"This. . . Is awkward." He says.

Meet Evan. The nightmare of my years. First boyfriend and certainly last for a while. Evan cheated on me TWICE! Yeah you heard me, twice! I eventually gave up and walked away. He pleaded and pleaded, but I ignored him and to this day, I never wanted to see his face again.

"What are you doing here?" I said threatening him.

"I uh, I came here shopping for my girlfriend." He muttered the last part and my eyes widened.

I burst out laughing and he stared at me as if I had grown two heads, "Why are you laughing?"

"You," I pointed at him, "have a girlfriend? How's that working out?" I said mockingly.

"Look, I know you're still mad, but I've changed. Honestly, I've been dating her for 6 months and it's going good."

I was shocked by his words, Evan was known for being a player despite my mistake, so this is different.

"Your total will be $20.54." The cashier said to him.

"You might want to pay for that." I pointed to his stuff and he sighed. He turned away and paid for his stuff.

I soon did the same and he was still waiting at the end of the register for me. "I hope you know that I really am sorry."

I start walking pasting him before speaking, "And I hope you know that I really don't care."

With that I walked away and waited at the front of the store for the guys.


The guys said 'be back here in 45 minutes', but an hour later, I'm sitting on a bench scanning the store. Seriously guys?

5 minutes later, I finally see them, one by one in each register paying for stuff.

They walk up to me and I playfully glare at all of them, "45 minutes huh?" I smirked.

They all looked confused, "What it's only been- Oh it's been an hour," Taylor looks down at his watch and back up to me again, giving a cheeky grin.

"Let's just go, I'm tired." We all nod and head back to the dorm.


Halfway back, my phone buzzed. I looked at the screen and it had a message from an unknown number.

~Hey, it was nice seeing you again today.


~Too obvious?

~Yeah, how'd you even get my number?

~Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer too ;)

"Who are you talking too?" I hear Noah say as he leans on the passenger and drivers seat.

I move my phone out of his vision, "No one, just a dimwit."

He cocks an eyebrow before going back to his seat.

~Can't wait to see you again:)

~I'm your dreams. Don't you have a girlfriend? Cheating on her too?

~Ouch and yes I do and I'm not cheating on her.

~Good. Then goodbye.

I switch off my phone and put it in my pocket. I sigh and wait to arrive back to the dorm.


When we finally arrived back at the school, the guys convinced me that they could carry all the bags, so now I was walking through the school bagless.

If they look in their bags I will purposely murder them.

I opened the door to the room and froze. I heard the sound of my keys dropping to the floor.

Oh shi- fiddle sticks.

Oh fiddle sticks.


Cliffhangers for all!!

This is for 200 reads and 32 votes! Thank you all♡





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